A Values-Driven Culture Is Essential

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culture"Culture eats strategy for breakfast." Often attributed to Peter Drucker, this is a line right at the heart of an important challenge for all of us. We work hard on choosing our small group model, system or strategy and that is a very good thing.

Strategy is important. But at the end of the day, at the end of the ministry season or year, if your culture is toxic or unhealthy...you're going to have a very hard time getting to your preferred future.

I've been studying culture for many years.  I've come back to it many times, recognizing again and again that creating culture and influencing culture is my number one priority.

Here are some resources that you need to know about as you do the same in your own environment.

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

I love the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. If you aren't yet subscribed, you need to stop what you are doing right now and sign up to get this podcast. You can do that right here.

In March and April, Craig shared some tremendously valuable thoughts on creating a values-driven culture. Oh my! So good.

"Healthy cultures never happen by accident."

"Your culture is a combination of what you create and what you allow."

"The number one force that shapes your culture is your values."

"What we value determines what we do. Your values shape what you do."

"If you want a different culture, change what you value."

"Strong values attract the right people and weed out the wrong people."

Creating a Values-Driven Culture, Part One - Show Notes

Creating a Values-Driven Culture, Part Two - Show Notes

Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Another podcast you ought to be subscribed to is the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast. Seriously, if you aren't listening to this podcast you are so missing out! You can subscribe to it right here.

Back in May, June and July of 2013 Andy talked about culture and behaviors (

Better Before Bigger

Defining Your Organizational Culture, Part One

Defining Your Organizational Culture, Part Two

Granger Community Church

Granger Community Church reworked their values several years ago. Very thought-provoking stuff. Take a look at their values as you are learning about culture and values.

Core Values: Shaping the Way We Think and Act (This is a very good article on the importance of core values from Tony Morgan)

Granger's Mission and Values


I hope you'll take the challenge and spend some time with this! I'm convinced, and I hope you are or soon will be, that creating a values-driven culture is at the root of how we build thriving ministries.

Image by lpk 90901

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