Acclerate GroupLife in 2011: T – 2 Weeks

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Getting ready for a year when grouplife really accelerates? Hopefully you’ve gotten a lot done in week 1, week 2week 3 and week 4 of our 6 week boot camp. But even if you’re joining us in progress, you can still catch up easily. You just need to pick up the pace of the things you’re doing…or add time to the end of the schedule.

This Week’s Assignment

We’re now 5 weeks into our 6 week process.  Congratulations for sticking with it!  It will pay off as you kick things in gear right off the bat in 2011.  This week’s assignment is pretty light.  There really are just two things you must get done:

  1. You’ll want to make sure you’re prepared to order the materials that your new groups will be using.  To be prepared, you need to have selected the study you’ll be using, estimated the number you’ll need, and figured out how long it will take for them to be delivered.  I briefly mentioned selecting curriculum in the very first week.  The key to me is to choose a study that is easy for the leader to use.  That definitely means DVD-driven.  A second key is to choose a topic that will appeal to unconnected people and probably people who know less about the Bible.  Third, the ideal length is 6 weeks.  That makes it short enough for new people to commit to and long enough for the very beginning stages of connective tissue to develop.
  2. Next, you’ll want to give some thought to the items you’ll include in the Leader Packet that you distribute at the very end of the Connection event.  The last thing that happens at a connection is a short stand-up meeting with your new “leaders.”  I describe that meeting very thoroughly in the 4th article in the connection series.  I also detail what I include in the Leader Packet.
  3. The last thing you need to do this week is schedule the New Leader Orientation meeting.  I usually try to hold it about a week after the Connection event.  It’s a short meeting, about 75 minutes.  What it accomplishes is just a little bit of training and a great opportunity for your new leaders to connect with their coach.

That’s it for this week.  I hope this is helping you.  You have an opportunity to change the landscape for the people who are connected in early 2011.  Some of them will never be the same.  Some of them will always look back on what happened in early 2011 and mark it as the moment that their new life in Christ really took hold.  Thanks for playing your part!

Question: Feelin’ the assignment? Does it make sense? Use the comment section to put in your two cents. You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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