Bed Time, Green Beans and Homework

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Bed time, green beans, and homework.  Can you see how they fit together?  That’s right!  They’re all thing that are good for us but not what we want.  At least when we’re little and don’t know any better*.

How do they relate to small group ministry?  Easy.  Some things are good for you but not what we want.  Like learning to pray with the members of your group.  Allowing a group member to hold you accountable or confessing sin to one another.  Even acquiring a taste for the Bible.

Some things are good for us but not what we want.

How can we help more unconnected people to put a toe in the water of grouplife?  Not by promoting the aspects that are good for you but not what anyone wants.  Not by choosing small group studies that assume greater maturity.  Not by using Christianese or theological terminology in a way that keeps the good stuff on too high a shelf.

Instead, if you want unconnected people to put their toe in the water and give grouplife a try, look for topics that they care about.  Promote connecting opportunities in ways that they’re paying attention to and at times that they’re most open.

Know why there are bed time stories?  That’s right.  To make bed time something to be anticipated.  Know why there’s gummy vitamins?  To make nutrition appealing.  Homework?  Who knows!

Seriously, when you’re choosing small group studies to connect unconnected people…keep their interests in mind.

*Okay…maybe you never grow to like homework.

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