Can You Handle the Truth?

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I love this line from Steven Levitt, author of Freakonomics:

Forget about what you believe may be true. Forget about what you hope may be true. Instead, just look at what’s actually happening.”

He used that line while discussing some of the misinformation surrounding global warming. I love it because he’s focusing on what is verifiable.

Why is that a key for all of us? Simple, really. The easiest thing to do is simply parrot back well-worn beliefs and assumptions. The hardest thing to do is look at what’s actually happening.

Are you a believer in apprenticing as a group multiplication strategy? How’s it working? What percentage of your apprentices actually birth a new group?

Are you a card carrying fan of the HOST strategy? How’s it working? How many new groups are you netting?

Do you talk a better disciple-making game than your system is actually producing?

Ready for a real challenge? Make it your ambition to uncover what’s actually happening and get to work clarifying the win for your small group ministry and designing steps that lead to a win.

Know what you’ll hear? “Well done.”

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