Decisions vs. Disciples

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One of my blogosphere buddies is speaking at the National Outreach Convention in November on a topic that we’ve begun talking about here: making disciples.  Here’s the short description of his talk:

"If we are serious about accomplishing the mission of Jesus we can
no longer be satisfied with “raise your hand”, “sign a card” or “walk
the aisle” decisions. Every church and leader that is on mission with
God sees the need to move people toward becoming Christ Followers who
love God, love God’s people and love God’s world. In this workshop you
will make three discoveries: 1. a process for how to develop followers
of Jesus; 2. a metric that allows church leaders to track individuals
and a church’s spiritual development; 3. a church that can accomplish
the mission of Jesus."

Doesn’t that sound like something we need to talk about?  It really is so much more than a decision.  And from a small group standpoint it really is way more than counting how many people are in your small group ministry.  Instead, it’s about how the people who are in your small group ministry are becoming different.

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