Is Your Preferred Future “Grand” Enough?

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Have you worked through this exercise?

  1. fully diagnose the present; what’s going on in your organization (see my article Diagnosis: Brutal Honest about Your Present),
  2. use the present to understand the probable future (what your organization will look like in 10 years if nothing changes),
  3. hold a dream session where you consider the possible future (the great menu of possibilities),
  4. design a preferred future out of all the possibilities (a well articulated vision that will force a new trajectory),
  5. chart out the milestones that lead to the new preferred future.
I love talking through this concept with coaching and consulting clients.  I particularly love the part where they begin to fine tune the preferred future for their organization.  It’s so freeing for them to begin to tease out what it will look like for them to arrive at a new destination.  In the case of a small group ministry, what kind of people they’ll produce.  Or a church that begins to think about the difference they’ll make in their community.  It’s very exciting and very rewarding to be part of that process.
Ever gone there?  I really encourage you to give it a try.  It makes a huge difference.  Identifying a preferred future, a grand future, and the steps that lead there will help your organization break free from the status quo.
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