Launching Groups That Connect with Your Community

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New 4 Week Telecourse:  Launching Groups That Connect with Your Community

Looking for a way to connect with your community?  Trying to figure out how to develop a "crowd-to-core" small group strategy?  Available for limited time at $49.95, our new 4 week telecourse could be just what you need.  Packed with practical ideas and a detailed strategy…  

You will learn how to:

  1. Plan for maximum impact.
  2. Recruit the right team.
  3. Engage your whole congregation.
  4. Sustain the largest number of groups.

You will receive:

  • 4 sixty minute conference calls
  • Access to full recordings to share with your team
  • Complete outlines

When does it begin?

  • Tuesdays, March 3  to March 24, 2009
  • 8:00 a.m. PT, 10:00 a.m. CT, 11:00 a.m. ET

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