Quotebook: Deciding What Gets Done

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Decisions about what gets done face every one of us.  Wise decisions about what gets done can make or break a ministry season.  How do you choose?  Who among us has the wisdom of Solomon?

Here’s a line that I heard and memorized years ago:

“Leaders allocate the finite resources of the organization to the critical growth path.”  Carl George

To really squeeze everything out of this principle you need to carefully think through several aspects.

  • Leaders allocate.  It’s not random.  It’s an intentional choice.
  • There is a finite amount of resources.  It’s not infinite.
  • There is a single optimal growth path.

Want do you think? See how you’ll use it? Want to argue?  You can click here to jump into the conversation.

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  1. Ian M. on October 27, 2011 at 8:12 am

    While I wholeheartedly agree with the first two comments extracted from your quote by Carl George, I can’t say the same about the third point. That there is only one path for growth is limiting to the extreme. It is where the fear of failure resides. Lets be brave enough to try something and, if that doesn’t work out (by what standard we dete.rmine this is open to debate) We can try another something perhaps equally as risky. The real issue is not to remain static. In that direction lies doldrums. Grow all ways…always grow

  2. Anonymous on October 28, 2011 at 6:15 am

    Thanks for jumping in here, Ian. I see what you’re thinking, however, Carl’s line refers to a later point in the timeline. Breaking free from the status quo is a theme here and this quote doesn’t contradict. Instead, Carl refers to idea that once you’ve identified the critical growth path, leaders allocate the finite resources there.

    With me?