mark_howell-headshot-reducedI'm the founder of, offering consulting and coaching services that help churches across North America launch, build and sustain healthy small group ministries.

In addition, I'm the guy behind and @MarkCHowell.

With over 30 years in ministry, I've served in a number of roles. In addition to planting a church, I've also served as an Associate Pastor on several teams and Small Group Pastor at Woodlands ChurchLake Avenue Church, Parkview Christian Church and Canyon Ridge Christian Church.  With four years on the consulting staff at Lifetogether and 15 more on my own, I've had the privilege of jump-starting, overhauling and fine-tuning ministries around the country. As a host and teacher for several 40 Days of Purpose Campaign Coaching initiatives with Purpose Driven I've had the opportunity to guide hundreds of churches through the church-wide campaign process.

I'm also a writer, contributing to the Pastor's Ministry Toolbox,, and and blogging regularly at and on a variety of topics including church growth, strategic development, leadership, alignment, and innovation.

My Interests

While I love what I get to's not the most important thing to me. I've been married to my wife Debbie for 27 years. We have three children and 6 grandchildren. We're also raising Taylor( an energetic Yorkie), Duke (the largest Dalmatian in captivity, AKA #dukeyhowlzer) and Hazel (our son's Schnauzer, AKA #Krazel).

In my free time I enjoy writing, reading, working in our garden and being outside, and listening to all kinds of music. I'm a student of Aaron Franklin and hope to one day have my own BBQ food truck. I'm a native Californian, a graduate of San Diego State University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

My Blogs

I've been blogging since 2005 on a number of different sites. I started out Xanga and pretty quickly figured out that was not the place for me. Switched over to Typepad in June of 2005 and named my blog StrategyCentral (where strategy and mission collide). I've moved much of my current work to a blog called and the big idea is that churches and organizations with a mission can draw a lot of insight from best-selling authors like Jim Collins, Gary Hamel, Peter Drucker and Patrick Lencioni. You can sign up to get my updates right here.

MarkHowellLive actually began in February of 2008 (originally on Typepad and moved to WordPress in early 2009). This blog is 100% focused on how to launch, build and sustain an effective small group ministry. Although there are skill training ideas for small group leaders, the content is directed toward small group pastors and directors, senior pastors and executive pastors (i.e., the folks that have to make decisions about what system or model to launch, how to connect people, how to reach their community, etc.). There are two ways to sign up to get the update. You can find out how right here.

If you are new to my blogs, here are some of my most popular posts:

My Contact Information

You can contact me via Email or follow me on Twitter or Facebook.


  1. […] on his blog, small group expert Mark Howell talks about “tall tales and downright whoppers” that keep churches from launching new […]

  2. […] a recent blog post, Small Group Specialist Mark Howell addressed an “elephant in the room” when it comes to starting new groups: leaders see […]

  3. […] on his blog, small group expert Mark Howell talks about 5 small group ministry myths that need busting. He lists all five, but really unpacks […]

  4. Small Group Monday: If I Was Starting Today on July 14, 2014 at 6:59 am

    […] a recent blog post, small group specialist Mark Howell applies that 20/20 hindsight to small group ministry. Read his insights on what he would do […]

  5. […] a recent blog post, small group specialist Mark Howell  shared his “secret” formula for recruiting small group leaders and facilitators. He […]

  6. […] a recent blog post, small group specialist Mark Howell […]

  7. […] the results they are hoping for just because they launch a church-wide campaign. Today on his blog, small group specialist Mark Howell explores five dangerous myths about church-wide campaigns. What makes them dangerous? As Mark […]

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