Advertising produces some of the most focused traffic in small group ministry on the web.  Directed exclusively at the senior leadership (senior pastor and executive pastor) and small group champion (staff and volunteer), these sites present an excellent opportunity to reach a very targeted market.

I make a limited number of advertising opportunities available to companies and organizations that I believe are a good fit for my unique audience.

To place an ad or for information about site traffic please Email Me.  I’m happy to provide current Google Analytic statistics for both of my sites.

Advertising Options and Rates

  • Sponsored Post: Mark will write a 300 to 400 word post about your product or service and his experience with it.  You can link to this post, excerpt it for your own marketing, or quote it on your own site.  Mark will also include links in the post to the appropriate landing page on your site.  He will also tweet a link to the post twice on the day it is published and send it to his RSS and email subscribers.  $200 to $375.
  • Large Display Ad:  This is the largest space available.  It is 300 by 250 pixels and appears in the right sidebar.  You will need to supply a graphic and the link to to a landing page on your site.  The graphic file can be no larger than 40kb and may include simple animation.  The ad will run on both sites at $375 for 3 months.
  • Large Display Ad on and in Last Week on and MarkHowellLive Monthly (weekly and monthly email newsletters): 300px by 250px on and 728px by 90px on the email newsletters. In addition to running on, your ad will also run in my weekly and monthly newsletters sent to over 2000 small group pastors.  $550 for 3 months.
  • Medium Display Ad:  These ads are 300 by 125 pixels and appear in the right sidebar.  You will need to supply a graphic and the link to a landing page on your site.  The graphic file can be no larger than 30kb and may include simple animation.  The ad will run on both sites at $275 for 3 months.
  • Small Display Ad: These ads are 125 by 125 pixels and appear in the right sidebar.  You will need to supply a graphic and the link to a landing page on your site.  The graphic file can be no larger than 30kb and may include simple animation.  The ad will run on both sites at $200 for 3 months.

1 Comment

  1. Mark Stinton on September 4, 2015 at 7:02 pm

    Im having trouble reducing my graphic to 40kb. Any tips?

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