Custom DVD-Driven Curriculum

Many churches have experienced a church-wide campaign. Whether as part of a spiritual growth emphasis like 40 Days of Purpose or a capital campaign, getting everyone on the same page is a powerful thing. The combination of a message series and a small group study on the same topic, often referred to as an alignment, has been shown to deeply impact the lives of participants. In fact, an annual alignment has become part of the strategy in many churches.


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Your church has several options when it comes to the selection of an all-church campaign. You can take advantage of an off-the-shelf campaign. You can create your own using an off-the-shelf curriculum. Or you can use the experience and capabilities of a group like SmallGroupResources to do it for you.

Why pay to have a custom small group curriculum developed? There are several reasons that you may want to consider:

  1. Small groups that meet in homes are a very easy first step for people who are open to spiritual things but have never visited your church. Their first impression of your ministry will be what they see on the screen and hold in their hands. Your ministry may be built on the idea that “we’re just normal people,” but don’t miss the fact that in first impressions quality is very important.
  2. A DVD-driven curriculum that features your senior pastor is a great home field advantage. Instead of an outsider being featured on the television screens of your small groups, it will be your pastor. That allows your potential guests to ease their toes into the water of a living room before taking the big plunge of a weekend service.
  3. Producing a top quality DVD-driven small group curriculum will take time and energy on the part of a team of people. It often becomes an extra assignment for an already busy staff member (or staff team). Can they do it? Probably. Will it be done at the expense of other critical assignments? Probably.
  4. Church-wide campaigns are very time-sensitive. You will be investing a lot of energy in the planning and implementation of the campaign itself. Taking advantage of seasoned curriculum writers and media professionals allows your staff to focus on their own responsibilities…without worrying about added deadlines.

Why should you use our team? Our curriculum writers, layout and design team, and media professionals are some of the most experienced people in the small group curriculum world. Their work has been featured in many projects that you would immediately recognize. They bring a level of creativity and small group savvy that will allow them to craft a curriculum that will feature your DNA and present it in a way that you will be excited to distribute.

What is your next step? Take advantage of a free custom curriculum consultation as your next step. A scheduled 15 minute call is all it takes to get started. Email me at Be sure and mention a custom curriculum consultation in the subject line.

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