
Here are the ministry opportunities that I know about right now.  Check back for updates.  I’ll be tweeting updates so make sure you’ve followed me on Twitter or Facebook.

Riverside Alliance Church in Big Lake, MN is looking for a small groups pastor. Here’s why this is such a great opportunity:  God’s at work here: over 1,000+ people have said “Yes” to Christ here this year. We’ve gone from 900 to 1,700 in attendance in 4 years.  Senior leadership wants to see more people in groups. We gone from 300 to 880 in groups in 4 years.  You’ll love the staff; they love the Lord, they’re unified, driven, creative and fun.

For more information contact Judy Slocum at judy@myriversidechurch.com and check out the website http://myriversidechurch.com/

Small Groups Pastor Needed

Large SBC contemporary model church in Metro Atlanta GA seeks small groups pastor with organizational and connection skills in his late 20’s, to middle 30’s with passion for small groups.  College required, seminary preferred with a heart to reach and disciple young adults. Please send resumes with a cover letter to: Small Groups Team  c/o ddarby@dogwoodchurch.org  stating why you might be the person for this position to (Do not send to anyone else please).

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Afton, Minnesota, is seeking an Associate Director of Small Group Ministry. This full-time position supports, develops, and expands healthy small groups, with an emphasis on men’s discipleship. This person must have a deep and growing relationship with Jesus, a love for small groups, and a commitment to helping men fulfill their biblical role in their family, church, and community.  Here is a link to more info.
A Bachelor’s Degree, as well as small group ministry and non-ministry work experience are required.  Applicant should be proficient with technology. Men’s ministry experience is preferred.  Interested parties should contact Robert Stevenson, Personnel Committee Member, at rob@robertjstevenson.com or 612.747.7471

Pathway Church is located on the northwest side of Wichita, Kansas.  Our community and congregation are largely made up of young families.  In 2012, we averaged 3,000-3,500 in weekend attendance at 3 campuses.  Continued growth highlights the importance of hiring a Small Groups Pastor with proven skills to connect adults in Christian community with one another.

Position Summary:

  • An experienced pastor who knows how to recruit, train, grow, and sustain a church-wide small groups ministry centered around Pathway Church’s core values – “Following Jesus In Community For Others.”
  • Oversee the growth of the small group’s ministry from membership to leadership.
  • Serve as champion for small groups at all Pathway Church campuses.
  • Work effectively with others in a “Simple Church” model.

Candidates should have the following qualifications:

  • Large church experience in small groups ministry—proven track record
  • Strong interpersonal and relational skills
  • Effective communication skills
  • Ability to manage and develop volunteers effectively and productively
  • Broad range of pastoral ministry experience

To submit your resume for this position or to receive the complete job description, please email Steve Slack, Pastor of Adults, Pathway Church, at steve.slack@pathwaychurchonline.com.

Connection Pointe Christian Church in Brownsburg Indiana is expanding their adults small groups ministry. We currently serve a church of 3700 and desire a young adult that desires to disciple small group leaders. The individual would be a member of a three person team leading small group leaders and serving the ministry of Connection Pointe.  Please contact our Executive Director of Programming Craig L Hanson at Craigh@cpccweb.org (Posted 11/3/12)

Brentwood Baptist Church, located in Brentwood TN, is receiving resumes for the position of Adult Minister – Off Campus Groups. In partnership with other Adult Ministers, this position will work to execute an effective and comprehensive ministry that leads adults and families to Christ-likeness. (see JourneyOn Discipleship Strategy) This position will require strong spiritual leadership, interpersonal relationship, communication and managerial skills. The Adult Minister OC Groups will serve as a coach, equipper, and catalyst. The successful candidate will have a deep and ever-growing relationship with God as evidenced by daily habits of spending time with Him and His Word. It is vital that this person align comfortably with the mission, vision, values, goals and strategies of Brentwood Baptist Church. Contenders for this role will have substantial experience in one or more congregations leading a successful home based small group ministry and will have a strong commitment to self-development. Additional information about Brentwood Baptist Church and the JourneyOn Discipleship Strategy can be found at www.brentwoodbaptist.com. A complete job description and profile is available upon request. Resumes and inquiries should be submitted to Steve Layton, Discipleship Minister, slayton@brentwoodbaptist.com. (posted 10/28/12)

Grace Community Church, Clarksville, Tennessee, is searching for a Small Groups Pastor.  This leader must be highly relational and work well in a team environment.  Clarksville is located 40 miles northwest of Nashville.  GCC is a multi-site church family with two locations and an online campus.  Sunday morning attendance is over 2,000.  To find out more about the church, go to www.gcomchurch.com  To attend an online service, go to www.gcomlive.com  Interested applicants should send resumes to office@gcomchurch.com (Posted 10/18/12)

In addition to the positions that I know about you can often find available positions on these sites:




Vanderbloemen Search Group

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