Reading Lists: These Are the Books You Need to Be Reading

books-you-need-to-readThese Are the Books You Need to Be Reading

“What should I be reading?!!”

I get asked that question all the time. When I checked Google Analytics just now, I noticed again (for the millionth time) that the “reading list” tab in the menu bar was my 5th most popular page or post in the last 12 months.

For years I’ve simply linked the “reading list” tab in the menu bar to an Amazon store with my recommendations. Honestly, I’ve never been sure how effective that was.

Today, I’ve decided it might be better to simply include a link to 5 of the most important reading lists I’ve built over the last several years.

See what you think!

Required Reading for the Small Group Pastor: Systems I think of some books as required reading. The books in this first list fall in the category of systems.  These 7 books provide an overview of what I view as the major small group ministry systems in use right now.

Required Reading for the Small Group Pastor: Building a GroupLife Culture I consider the previous list as required reading for the development of grouplife systems.  This list includes 4 of my favorite books on how to build a grouplife culture.

7 Must-Have Resources for Training Small Group Leaders Many books and resources have been produced to help small group pastors train their small group leaders. I believe these 7 books are the best of the best.

Resources that Equip Small Group Coaches You’ll notice that this is not a long list. While other books and resources have been produced, I think these are the best.

Books that Have Shaped My Thinking If you’ve read very much at all here at, you know that I read continually. I almost always have 2 or 3 that I’m reading at any one time and another 4 or 5 on the stack. Still…certain books are more important than others. These are the book that have shaped my thinking.

Image by Lydia Liu