To Do List: Film Video Testimonies That Inspire Action
The best way to launch small groups is with a church-wide campaign. The best time to do it is in the fall. I’ve written extensively about how to sequence a campaign. One of the key steps in the sequence is recruiting hosts.
As you know by now, I am huge fan of using the personal stories of people who have hosted a small group in the recent past to recruit the next wave. There is nothing more inspiring to someone who is considering opening their home and inviting a few friends.
If you want to capture great video (or live) testimony…the key is to start as early as possible. Now really is the time to be identifying who has the best stories (leaders and members) and scheduling a video shoot. Doing it early allows you to get compelling stories that inspire action.
Here’s a video that I helped produce in 2009:
A Heart for People from Mark Howell on Vimeo.
I’ve written a lot about using video testimony to recruit hosts and members right here. The key really is to start early! Don’t wait until the last minute. You’ll miss stories like this one if you do.