Will you join me and hundreds of small group ministry practitioners at GroupLife Southwest '19?
I know, I know! We keep asking you whether you'll join us in Las Vegas for our conference...but we really, really, really want you to come!
We don't want you to miss it. And we don't want your team to miss it!
Important Reminder: We want you to join us so badly that we extended the Super Early Bird price through January 8th!
Why do we want you to join us? Easy. GroupLife Southwest '19 is all about small group ministry in the 21st century and you can't afford to miss it.
We believe unconnected people are worth connecting and spiritual infants are worth investing in.
And connecting people and making disciples in the 21st century requires some different thinking. The kind of thinking you'll get a taste of from our fantastic speaker lineup. The kind of thinking you'll get from our carefully planned breakouts and main sessions.
They say who you are is shaped by the people you hang out with. If you want to make a difference in the 21st century...this is a group you want to hang out with. And for that reason we've given a lot of thought to the way the breaks and lunches are designed.
Who you hang out with is important. That's also why we've deliberately made it more affordable to bring a group of 5 or more. In fact, through January 8th you can bring a group for $109 a person (and THAT is pretty sweet!).
As I write this I'm thinking of the impact GroupLife Southwest '19 will have on churches everywhere. And even more importantly, I'm thinking about the unconnected people who end up connected and the spiritual infants who will end up becoming mature disciples as a result of our investment...and yours.
Our sincere hope is that you will do everything you can to join us in Las Vegas for GroupLife Southwest '19. It's that important.
See ya here?
Click here to take advantage of the Super Early Bird pricing through January 8th at midnight PST.