Three December Keys to January Impact

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I’ve mentioned previously that there are three key opportunities every year to launch new groups.  If you’re reading this on November 30th, you’re about 60 days away from the second best opportunity.  And there are several things you can do right now to optimize the impact of a late January launch.

First, pull out your calendar and take a look at the first six weeks of 2012.  You need to pencil in several action items:

  • Whether you’re planning a small group connection, a GroupLink event or a small group fair, January 22nd, 29th, or February 12th are probably the optimum dates to choose from.  These dates are early enough to capture the attention of unconnected people who want to “turn over a new leaf” and start 2012 on the right foot.  Note that in the United States January 15th will be impacted by a three day weekend (Martin Luther King day) and February 5th will be impacted by the Super Bowl.
  • Plan to promote your event several weeks in a row.  Once you’ve selected the date of your small group event, just back up 2 or 3 weeks and begin promoting.  In most churches promotion is arranged in advance (i.e., now is the time to meet with your senior pastor, the staff member that gives the okay for bulletin inserts, and your web-master).  You can promote the event with announcements, bulletin inserts, and on your website.  The most important way to promote it is a timely moment in your senior pastor’s sermon.  If you need help understanding how to integrate an ask into your pastor’s sermon you can take a look at How to Make the HOST Ask.
  • Schedule a meeting with your coaches in early January to talk about their role in the upcoming event and make decisions about how the new groups will be coached.
Second, talk with your senior pastor about the January opportunity and ask for help promoting the event.  You might want to read my article 5 Things Senior Pastors Need to Know about Small Group Ministry and even share it with your pastor.
Third, select a small group study that will be easy to use and easy to promote.  How to Choose Curriculum to Start a Group and How to Choose Curriculum That Launches Groups are both packed with ideas about what to look for in a launching study.  Think about the kinds of topics that will make sense to the people who are deciding whether joining a group is their next step.
I hope you’ll take advantage of the first of the year to launch new small groups.  It’s a great opportunity and with just a little planning can be a great first step for many unconnected people.  Need a little extra help or a pair of fresh eyes to look over what you’re planning?  You can schedule a coaching call right here.

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