5 Reasons I Launched GroupLife Southwest: a New Small Group Ministry Conference

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5 Reasons I Launched GroupLife Southwest

I get a lot of questions. I’ve had a lot over the last few weeks as I’ve moved closer to launching GroupLife Southwest 2017.

“Why are you launching a new small group ministry conference?”

“Do we really need another small group ministry conference?”

“Shouldn’t you just stream the conference? Why host a live venue?”

Good questions. And these are just a few. There have definitely been others.

Here are the 5 main reasons:

  1. To give you live access to some of the most important small group ministry ideas. Reading about small group ministry is one thing. Interacting with leading practitioners and trusted experts is another thing.
  2. To expose you to the systems, models and strategies designed for the 21st century. If you’re paying attention to the culture, it is an inescapable reality that every step into the 21st century takes us farther away from the way things were when many of the most common small group ministry practices were developed. Connecting people and making disciples in the 21st century will require new insights.
  3. To provide a west coast gathering for small group ministry practitioners. When I’ve written about conferences I’ve been to in other parts of the country, I’ve routinely heard from readers who’ve wished for a closer option.
  4. To provide an additional conference at a time when there are limited options. It just seems like there were more options not that long ago. At the moment, there are only two main options (Saddleback’s The Lobby and North Point’s re:group). Both are excellent. GroupLife Southwest will add an important additional option.
  5. To provide a conference that curates a diverse collection of systems, models and strategies, The speakers you’ll hear are representatives of a variety of effective systems, models and strategies. Exposure to their thinking will help you identify and develop the best approach for your church and your community.

Bottom line? I really hope you’ll join us for GroupLife Southwest 2017! I don’t want you to miss it. And I’d love to meet you!  Here’s a link to the conference website for more information.