5 Secret Ingredients that Supercharge Saddleback’s Church-Wide Campaigns

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You probably know the basics and can easily spot the essential aspects of a garden variety church-wide campaign*. Choose a message series that has a small group curriculum that goes along with it. Spend several weeks recruiting hosts, promoting the series, challenging members to join groups.

*Essentially an alignment between a weekend message series and a small group study.

You know all that.

5 Secret Ingredients that Supercharge Saddleback's Church-Wide Campaigns

But have you ever stopped to think about these important details? I think these 5 secret ingredients help supercharge Saddleback's own church-wide campaigns:

1. Recruit HOSTs early...and often

How early do you begin asking for group hosts? And how often? Did you know that it's not unusual for Saddleback to begin referring to their upcoming fall spiritual growth emphasis in late spring or early summer? Not elaborately or with lots of fanfare. Often a simple reference to what's ahead and pointing out how to sign up now.

Did you know that it's not unusual for Saddleback to begin referring to their upcoming fall spiritual growth emphasis in late spring or early summer? Share on X

See also, How to Make the HOST Ask: the 2012 Version and Why You Must Make the HOST Ask Several Weeks in a Row.

2. Anyone can pick up a HOST Kit

Who can pick up group materials for your campaign? Do they need to a member? A member with certain credentials? Is picking up materials really more of an invitation only concept at your church? In the original version of Saddleback's 40 Days of Purpose in 2002 anyone could sign up to be a host but non-members were informed that attending CLASS 101 and being baptized by immersion were prerequisites. Over the last 18 years it has become progressively easier to pick up church-wide campaign materials and host a group in your home (and invite your own friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family). Imagine the difference that change has made in terms of the thousands who have participated!

Over the last 18 years it has become progressively easier to pick up church-wide campaign materials and host a group in your home (and invite your own friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family). Imagine the difference that change has… Share on X

See also, Leader Qualifications: Raising the Bar, Lowering the Bar or Open Bar.

3. Convenient HOST training

Everything a new Saddleback host needs to get their group started is in the kit or available online. What began as an hour-long orientation has steadily migrated to a simpler and simpler delivery system that most recently landed online. Stop and think about how many more hosts you might have if you offered training that could be accessed anytime and anywhere?

What began as an hour-long orientation has steadily migrated to a simpler and simpler delivery system that most recently landed online. Stop and think about how many more hosts you might have if you offered training that could be… Share on X

See also, Breaking: Add This HOST Orientation Idea to Your Bag of Tricks.

4. No charge for campaign materials

When a host picks up their materials at Saddleback no money changes hands. Think about that. Think about the significance of removing the financial aspect of inviting a neighbor to join your 40 Days of Whatever small group! If you've ever experienced the awkward moment of letting your friend know that it's $15 per person, you can see right away what a strategic advantage it would be to remove the payment issue.

Think about the significance of removing the financial aspect of inviting a neighbor to join your 40 Days of Whatever small group! If you've ever experienced the awkward moment of letting your friend know that it's $15 per person, you… Share on X

See also, FAQ: Who Typically Pays for Materials in a Church-Wide Campaign?

5. Honoring HOSTs and celebrating their faithfulness

Last year's campaign at Saddleback concluded with a host gathering featuring senior pastor Rick Warren. In order to include the over 6000 hosts it was held at two different times. Ever heard Rick Warren talk about the importance of small groups and the impact that each host has? Just think about the message he sent in that gathering! See also, Three Outcomes that Must Be Designed into Every Church-Wide Campaign.

Need help with your campaign?

If you need help with your campaign you might consider my 2020 update of MAXIMIZE Your Church-Wide Campaign. One of my most popular courses, this mini-course will take your campaign to a new level.


Image by mararie

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