5 Simple Rules of Effective Small Group Ministry

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Can I let you in on a little secret? There are actually just a few simple rules of effective small group ministry. And if you can just follow the rules you can build a thriving and effective small group ministry.

5 Simple Rules of Effective Small Group Ministry

1.Always be launching new groups

Always be launching new groups while training leaders of existing small groups to fish for new members. One of the greatest dilemmas in small group ministry is whether to start new groups or add new members to existing groups. If you want to build an effective small group ministry, you need to focus on launching new groups. Whether you are brand new in a new place or a long-time veteran in a very familiar place, if you will focus on launching new groups while training leaders of existing groups to fish for new members, you will be headed in the right direction.

One of the greatest dilemmas in small group ministry is whether to start new groups or add new members to existing groups. If you want to build an effective small group ministry, you need to focus on launching new groups. Share on X

See also, Top 10 Ways to Launch New Groups.

2. Never stop looking for leaders of leaders.

A relentless commitment to identifying and recruiting leaders of leaders is essential. If you want to launch and sustain new groups you must build an effective coaching structure at the same time. Make it a weekly priority to be on the lookout for high capacity leaders with a passion for community. Set aside time every week to spend time with the right candidates.

A relentless commitment to identifying and recruiting leaders of leaders is essential. If you want to launch and sustain new groups you must build an effective coaching structure at the same time. Share on X

See also, How to Identify a Potential Small Group Coach.

3. Personally invest in the development of the leaders you recruit.

Remember, whatever you want to happen in the lives of the members of your groups, must happen first in the lives of the leaders. That means investment in developing and discipling your coaches must be a priority for you.

Whatever you want to happen in the lives of the members of your groups, must happen first in the lives of the leaders. That means investment in developing and discipling your coaches must be a priority for you. Share on X

See also, 7 Practices for Developing and Discipling Your Coaches.

4. Share success stories every week with your senior pastor.

Even if you have to stake out your senior pastor's office and look for any opportunity to tell them a good story, do it. As the most influential person in the church, they need to hear it and you need to let them tell the best life-change stories.

Even if you have to stake out your senior pastor's office and look for any opportunity to tell them a good story, do it. As the most influential person in the church, they need to hear it and you need to let them tell the best… Share on X

See also, 6 Ways to Help Your Senior Pastor Make the Small Group Ask.

5. Put your own oxygen mask on first.

Just like every airline's safety message, if you want to have any role in the spiritual growth of others, you have to be growing. It won't happen in your ministry if it isn't happening in you. And it won't happen in you unless you make and keep a commitment to pursue it. That means a daily commitment to time with God and regular investment in your own journey.

If you want to have any role in the spiritual growth of others, you have to be growing. It won't happen in your ministry if it isn't happening in you. And it won't happen in you unless you make and keep a commitment to pursue it. That… Share on X

See also, Investing in Your Own Personal Growth.

Can I tell you something? It really is this simple.

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Image by Erin

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  1. Thom Emery on August 20, 2015 at 9:39 am

    You got the goods right there

  2. markchowell on August 20, 2015 at 12:27 pm

    Thanks Thom!