5 Simple Small Group Ministry Moves with Exponential Payoffs
Sometimes we know our ministry is plateaued and we need to make changes in our strategy, but we remain stuck because the changes we make are focused on the wrong variable.
It's something like a restaurant that needs to increase repeat customers but spends all its energy reimagining the color of the carpet and none of its energy on customer service or its menu.
Here are 5 simple small group ministry moves with exponential payoffs:
1. Clarify and simplify your "leader" requirements.
What is in your current "leader" requirements that might be keeping the very first step into "leadership" from happening?
For example, you may want small group leaders to be members, to complete new leader training, and to be connected to a coach.
Ministry Move #1: Ask yourself if there is a first step into leadership that can happen without membership? Perhaps a preliminary category will enable a much larger number of first steps into leadership (like the person who picks of a grab-and-go pack and invites their own friends to join).
Ministry Move #1: Ask yourself if there is a first step into leadership that can happen without membership? Perhaps a preliminary category will enable a much larger number of first steps into leadership (like the person who picks of a… Share on X
See also, Leader Requirements: Raising the Bar, Lowering the Bar, or Open Bar? and Customized Leader Requirements and Benefits.
2. Focus on starting new groups.
This may be counterintuitive and seem like a betrayal of existing groups and existing group leaders, but emphasizing the start of new groups and deemphasizing placing new members in existing groups is a simple move with exponential potential.
Ministry Move #2: Whenever you have a choice, start new groups rather than adding new members to existing groups. This may seem counterintuitive, but new groups have a much better chance of sticking than a new member added to an existing group.
Ministry Move #2: Whenever you have a choice, start new groups rather than adding new members to existing groups. This may seem counterintuitive, but new groups have a much better chance of sticking than a new member added to an… Share on X
Groups begin to form an almost impermeable membrane after as little as 12 to 18 meetings. Who can break through an almost impermeable membrane? Close friends of existing group members, extreme extroverts, and socially unaware people who have trouble picking up the signals other group members are giving off. On the other hand, new groups offer everyone the best opportunity to connect on common ground.
See also, Top 5 Keys to Starting New Groups. Lots of New Groups and Critical Decision: Add Members to Existing Groups vs Starting New Groups?
3. Add additional connecting opportunities to your annual calendar.
Every strategically timed connecting opportunity allows another group of unconnected people to take a first step. If you're currently offering a once-a-year emphasis (church-wide campaign, small group connection or fair, Group Link, etc.), consider adding an additional opportunity or two at other strategic times.
Ministry Move #3: Make sure you're offering a year-round assortment of strategies. Limiting your emphasis to an annual event drastically decreases the number of people you can connect. Limiting the connection strategy to a single form guarantees you will only catch one kind of fish!
Ministry Move #3: Make sure you're offering a year-round assortment of strategies. Limiting your emphasis to an annual event drastically decreases the number of people you can connect. Limiting the connection strategy to a single form… Share on X
See also, 5 Keys to Launching Groups Year Round.
4. Recruit "launch-phase" coaches to help new group leaders for 8 to 10 weeks.
The first few weeks in the life of a new group leader are critical. Providing someone to walk alongside them, who will check in with them regularly (at least weekly) by phone or in person will dramatically increase the percentage of groups that finish their first study and choose to continue into their second (and even their third) study together.
Ministry Move #4: Recruit coaches to help new groups get started well. All you're looking for are experienced small group leaders who could walk alongside a brand new leader for their first 6-week study. Connect by phone or in person for a check-in. Focus on a simple set of four key questions. It is a short-term commitment with a definite payoff since one of the two most important ingredients for new groups that continue is a "coach" who can help smooth out trouble spots in the first six weeks.
Ministry Move #4: Recruit coaches to help new groups get started well. All you're looking for are experienced small group leaders who could walk alongside a brand new leader for their first 6-week study. Share on X
See also, Recruiting Additional Coaches and Imagine If Your Coaching Structure Looked Like This.
5. Choose a great launching study and a great follow up study before your new groups begin.
So simple and so often overlooked. The connective tissue in most new groups is only occasionally strong enough to withstand the pressure of choosing a next study.
Ministry Move #5: Offer a next study that is similar to the launching study in form (for example, if the first study was a DVD-driven, 6 weeks long, required no homework and was easy to lead...the follow-up study should be very similar).
Ministry Move #5: Offer a next study that is similar to the launching study in form (for example, if the first study was a DVD-driven, 6 weeks long, required no homework and was easy to lead...the follow-up study should be very… Share on X
See also, Now Is the Time to Think About What's Next.
Image by Michael