5 Things Every Small Group Pastor Could Do Right Now

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Ready to take things up a notch?  There are at least 5 things every small group pastor could do right now that would shift their ministry onto a new trajectory.  And there really are no exceptions.  Every small group pastor (or reasonable facsimile thereof) could do these things.

Every small group pastor could…

Develop preferred future language for their small group coaches. leaders, and members.  Have you developed the language that will help you envision what your ministry will look like in your preferred future?  You may not realize this, but shared language is actually a prerequisite to any kind of teamwork or collaboration.  Want to build a thriving small group ministry?  You cannot do it alone.  It takes a team.  And you can’t go anywhere significant without a shared language that describes where you want to go.  See also, Start with the End in Mind and Creating Your “Refined” Preferred Future.

Thoroughly evaluate their percentage connected numbers.  Spending sufficient time gathering the numbers that will yield an accurate understanding of your percentage connected is so important.  You’ll never talk about look at your crowd the same way again.  You’ll never accept delays or the pursuit of problem-free the same way again.  Basically, once you’ve discovered your true percentage connected…you’ll be very motivated to connect unconnected people.  See also, What Percentage of Your Adults Are Actually Connected? and What’s Your Urgency Level for Connecting Unconnected People?

Diagnose their coaching structure.  Do you have the right people in the role of coach?  Do you have enough of the right people?  Do you have some in the role who are really coaches in name only?  This is an important thing to do.  The coaches in your system play an important role in whether a new group sustains and also help determine what happens in the lives of group members.  See also, How to Build an Effective Coaching Structure and Diagnosis: The Coaches in Your System.

Meet with their senior pastor.  I realize I’ve just tripped a booby trap for some, but this is a very important activity that could set in motion a powerful chain reaction.  Sure, it might require a preliminary step (having coffee with your supervisor and convincing them to set up coffee or lunch), but it will be worth the effort.  Sitting with your senior pastor and sharing your heart for unconnected people and making disciples may be the thing that sets in motion a series of amazing next steps.  See also, Note to Senior Pastors: Authentic Community Begins with You.

Lay the foundation for an annual calendar approach.  You may not be able to get very far beyond initial planning, but to pull out a calendar and begin pencilling in any existing sermon planning, major congregational emphases, holiday schedules, and the optimum group launch seasons will help you begin to see when it might pay to collaborate.  See also, How to Build an Annual GroupLife Calendar and When Is the Best Time to Launch a Church-Wide Campaign?

Need a bonus suggestion?  Spend some time with my Signature 10 Point Checklist.

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