7 Decisions That Predetermine Small Group Ministry Impact

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There are a few decisions that predetermine whether your small group ministry thrives or struggles. Further, I think an honest diagnosis can actually predict your chances of small group ministry impact. As you read, give some thought to how you'd score your own ministry.

7 questions that predetermine small group ministry impact:

1. Will you position small groups as an essential ingredient or an enhancement?

You should understand at the foundational level that it is virtually impossible to build a thriving small group ministry if groups are viewed as anything other than essential. When small groups develop a reputation as something that is a nice extra, an enhancement, that reputation predetermine ineffectiveness.  (+10 if essential, -10 if enhancement)

You should understand at the foundational level that it is virtually impossible to build a thriving small group ministry if groups are viewed as anything other than essential. Share on X

See also, Small Group Ministry Roadblock #1: A Doubtful and Conflicted Senior Pastor.

2. Will your commitment to small group ministry be evident 100% of the time (i.e., no matter where you are, what you're doing or who you're talking with)?

A great temptation for many senior pastors is to act as if every ministry is "just as important" as the rest. When pastors give in to this temptation, communication becomes extremely foggy. If you want to build a thriving small group ministry, it must be clear to your congregation (and congregational leaders) that group participation is essential.  (+10 if 100%, -10 if not)

A great temptation for many senior pastors is to act as if every ministry is just as important as the rest. When pastors give in to this temptation, communication becomes extremely foggy. Share on X

See also, Determining the Minimum and Recommended Dose and Evaluate Your Small Group Ministry with My Signature 10 Point Checklist.

3. Will small groups be the way to belong and become or one option among many?

A very important concept for all of us to understand is that choices and options make taking the next step more difficult. When the next step is easy, obvious, and strategic it is more likely. (+10 if the way, -10 if one option among many)

See also, Small Group Ministry Roadblock #2: A Bloated Belong and Become Menu and Is An Artificial Barrier Limiting Growth in Your Small Group Ministry?

4. Will your investment in leader development be intentional and proactive or haphazard and reactive?

Remember, whatever you want to happen at the member level, will have to happen to the leader first. This reality makes leader development an essential ingredient of small group ministry. (+5 if intentional, -5 if haphazard)

Remember, whatever you want to happen at the member level, will have to happen to the leader first. This reality makes leader development an essential ingredient of small group ministry. Share on X

See also, Life-Change at the Member Level and 7 Practices for Discipling and Developing Your Coaches.

5. Will your resource allocation for small group ministry mirror your stated convictions?

You've said that being in a small group is an essential ingredient, but is that reflected in your resource allocation? If it is truly an essential ingredient it will be reflected in your budget, staffing, on-campus room prioritization, and communication (website, bulletin, e-newsletter, etc.). Carl George was right when he said, "Leaders allocate the finite resources of the organization to the critical growth path." (+5 if mirror image, -5 if poor reflection)

Remember, whatever you want to happen at the member level, will have to happen to the leader first. This reality makes leader development an essential ingredient of small group ministry. Share on X

See also, Budgeting for the Preferred Future.

6. Do you have the necessary determination to maintain pursuit for multiple years?

Building a thriving small group ministry is an ambitious goal and not for the faint at heart. To arrive at the preferred future of a church of groups and more adults in groups than your average adult weekend worship attendance will not happen in a single great effort or even in a short series of great efforts. If you want to arrive at this preferred future, it will require commitment to the long pursuit. (+5 if yes, -5 if no)

To arrive at the preferred future of a church of groups and more adults in groups than your average adult weekend worship attendance will not happen in a single great effort or even in a short series of great efforts. If you want to… Share on X

See also, Creating Your "Refined" Preferred Future and Wash, Rinse, Repeat and the Long Run.

7. Do you have the patience required to commit to a small group model for multiple years?

Making a wise choice of small group model or system and then sticking to it for multiple years is very important. Switching from one model to the next every time you read a new book or attend a new conference is deadly. Idea fatigue and shiny object syndrome have killed more small group ministries than almost anything else. (+5 if yes, -5 if no)

See also, Top 10 Signs Your Small Group Ministry is Schizophrenic.

Scoring: Add up your score. 35 to 50, you have a very good chance of building a thriving small group ministry. 25 to 35, a few strategic changes will move you in the right direction. 15 to 25, you've got some hard work ahead. Less than 15, you may want to rethink your commitment.

Need help?

How to Choose the Best Small Group Model for Your Church is a 4 session mini-course designed to give you the tools you need to wisely select the specific identifiers of the preferred future your church dreams of reaching. You'll also learn the strategies that will help you tune up  your small group model to achieve optimum performance. You can find out more right here.

Image by Jose Maria Cuellar