Best Posts of 2016 (Fourth Quarter)

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best-posts-of-2016-q4A LOT happened on in 2016. I published over 250 articles on small group ministry, connecting people, making disciples, identifying, recruiting and developing coaches, curriculum reviews, etc.

A lot happened.

Looking back over the year, I thought it might be helpful to identify the best posts of 2016 by quarter. With over 250 articles it seemed pretty tough to narrow it all the way down to the top 10 of the year.

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I’ve worked my way through my posts from October to December, 2016, and chosen what I think are the 10 most important posts. I looked at the number of pageviews and time spent on the post and those things were certainly factors in my selection. I also looked at reader interaction (both with me and also sharing).

  1. How to Launch New Groups with a Small Group Connection – 2016 (October)
  2. Top 10 Reasons My Church Has a Long Way to Go (in small group ministry) (October)
  3. How Do We Help a New Host* Get Off to a Great Start? (October)
  4. FAQ: How to Budget for a Thriving Small Group Ministry (October)
  5. Ranking the Most Powerful Strategies for Launching New Groups (November)
  6. Four Counter-Intuitive Truths about Finding New Leaders (November)
  7. How to Take the Pulse of Your Small Group Ministry (November)
  8. Trending Now? “Come Over” vs “Meet Me” or “Come With Me” (December)
  9. 5 Questions to Ask as 2016 Comes to a Close (December)
  10. Top 10 Articles on Identifying and Recruiting New Small Group Leaders (December)

Miss my list of the best posts from the third quarter? You can see it right here.