Can I help you? It’s actually why I do this!

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Can I help you? It’s actually why I do this!

mark_howell-headshotI created my first conference in 1996 (or maybe it was ’97). It was a children’s ministry conference (think about that!)

I invited Sue Miller to bring some of her Promiseland team to the Houston area. I got ahold of a mailing list of Willow Creek Association churches and other like-minded churches in the region and promoted it to them. It was before Willow Creek or anyone like that began holding conferences away from their own place.

The conference was great! We did it two years in a row. It was well attended.

I remember at the conference the second year someone asked me why I had organized it. Off the cuff I said, “Because I can.” What I really meant was, “It seemed like a way I could help children’s ministry leaders.”

Can I help you? It’s actually why I do this!

There are several ways I might be able to help you (beyond my blog).

GroupLife Southwest – 2017

I’m hosting a small group ministry conference March 27-28, 2017. I’m excited about it. I’ve lined up a great speaker list and am planning some experiences that I think will really help small group ministry point people build thriving small group ministries in 21st century North America. You can find out about it right here (and p.s., the Super Early Bird Pricing ends tomorrow).

My 2017 Coaching Network

I’ve just opened registration and started taking applications for my 2017 small group ministry coaching network. There are 12 to 15 spots. I love the interaction. It really is a highlight for me and has been every year since 2008. This year early signups include a registration for GroupLife Southwest – 2017. You can find out about my 2017 coaching network right here.

Coaching and Consulting

Every year I work directly with 10 to 20 churches. I actually do an onsite consultation at a few and provide telephone (Skype or FaceTime) at most, You can find out about setting up coaching or consulting right here.  You can also find out about what people are saying about my coaching and consulting right here and see a partial list of who has used my services right here.

Downloadable Mini-Courses

I’ve videoed many of my most popular workshops and made them available as downloadable resources. This is an increasingly popular option as it’s less expensive and convenient. You can see all my current offerings right here.

New to Small Group Ministry Course

I’m always experimenting with something and right now I’m testing a series of emails designed to coach new small group champions step by step through a process. You can find out about that right here.