Cultivate THIS Mindset in the Age of COVID-19

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I've said many times, "There is no problem-free. Every model, system and strategy comes with a set of problems. Wise leaders simply choose the set of problems they'd rather have."

There is no problem-free. Every model, system and strategy comes with a set of problems. Wise leaders simply choose the set of problems they'd rather have. Share on X

As you may already know, that is one of the 10 assumptions that shape my small group ministry strategy.

Truth be told, I think you need to have this assumption as well.

A related assumption has been on my mind lately.

It's based on a quote from Simon Sinek.

"Problems only exist for those who don't look for solutions."

Problems only exist for those who don't look for solutions. —Simon Sinek Share on X

Here's the correlation. In the age of COVID-19, always be looking for solutions. Not problem-free solutions, but solutions for which you prefer the set of problems that come with them.

Be solution centered.

Be known for being solution centered.

Don't fixate on problems.

Be open to partial solutions.

Be on the lookout for adjacent solutions (just next door to what is already possible). See also, GroupLife Agnostics and the Adjacent Possible.

Be like an improv expert who always says 'yes, and' and never says 'no.'

Listen. In the age of COVID-19 we have an opportunity to become solution-centered, possibility experts.

Don't let that opportunity slip away.

Problems only exist for those who don't look for solutions.

Assignment: Write this quote on a post-it note and put it where you can see it.

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