Do You Know How to Give Group Members a Life-Changing Experience?

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give a life-changingDo you know how to give group members a life-changing experience? What do you think are the most important things you can do to influence the experience of a group member?

What do you think is the single most important thing?

Do you know?

I can tell you what I think. Of course, it is my opinion. But I think I'm right. And I think if you think about it you'll agree.

The most important thing you can do to give group members a life-changing experience is provide them a leader who has already experienced life-change.

The most important thing you can do to give group members a life-changing experience is provide them a leader who has already experienced life-change.

Do you agree with me? Or do you want to argue for something different?

I guess if I was going to be completely accurate I would modify my statement slightly to say, "the most important thing you can do to give group members a life-changing experience is provide them a leader who has already experienced (or is experiencing) life-change."

The most important thing you can do to give group members a life-changing experience is provide them a leader who has already experienced (or is experiencing) life-change. Share on X

A Follow-Up Question

Which leads me to a follow up question.

Do you know how to ensure that your group leaders have already experienced (or are experiencing) life-change?

Again, I can tell you what I think. And of course, it is still my opinion. But I think I am right. And I think if you think about you will agree with me.

The best way to ensure that your group leaders have already experienced (or are experiencing) life-change is to give each of them a "coach" who will come alongside them and do TO and FOR (and with) your leaders whatever you want your leaders to do TO and FOR (and with) their members.

The best way to ensure that your group leaders have already experienced (or are experiencing) life-change is to give each of them a coach who will come alongside them and do TO and FOR (and with) your leaders whatever you want your… Share on X

That is a long sentence! Let me say it in a shorter form.

Whatever you want to happen at the member level, will have to happen to the leader first.

Whatever you want to happen at the member level, will have to happen to the leader first.

And that means you will need to do TO and FOR (and with) your leaders whatever you want them to do TO and FOR (and with) their members.

How Will You Do That to All of Your Leaders?

That is where coaching comes in. Since "everyone needs to be cared for by someone but no one can really care for more than about 10 people (Carl George)," you will need to develop some coaches who can extend care to group leaders who are beyond your capacity (10) to reach.

Have you developed some coaches who can help you give group members a life-changing experience?

If you have...good for you! Your reward is no doubt the satisfaction of knowing that your hard work is paying off in the life-changing experience of group members.

If you've not yet developed some coaches who can help you give group members a life-changing experience, isn't it about time to get after that?

If you need help understanding how to build an effective coaching structure, please take a look at my four-session mini-course. I think you'll agree it was money well spent to take the course. Or your money back.


Further Reading:

Image by Bert Heymans