FAQ: What’s the Best Way to Connect the Largest Number of Unconnected People?

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What’s the Best Way to Connect the Largest Number of Unconnected People?

There are frequently asked questions…and then there are FREQUENTLY asked questions. This is one of the most frequent questions I am asked.

“What’s the best way to connect the largest number of unconnected people?”

Usually, the asker has done the math and realized that their percentage connected is dangerously low and that long before their current small group model, system or strategy will make any kind of significant dent, large numbers of unconnected people will have come and gone.

Usually, the asker has finally faced up to the fact that unconnected people are always one tough thing away from never being at their church again and is ready to make some changes.

Unconnected people are always one tough thing away from never being at their church againUnconnected people are always one tough thing away from never being at their church again Share on X

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” Tony Robbins

Let’s get personal. Are you there yet?

Are you there yet? Have you finally arrived at the conclusion that your current small group model, system or strategy won’t actually make a significant dent in your percentage connected?

If that’s you, here’s how I answer the question, “What’s the best way to connect the largest number of unconnected people?”

What’s the Best Way to Connect the Largest Number of Unconnected People?

While there are a number of strategies that will connect unconnected people (and all of them involve prioritizing the launch of new groups), there is actually a way to rank them in terms of their potential. See also, Ranking the Most Powerful Strategies for Launching New Groups.

And there is one strategy that easily surpasses all others in terms of its ability to launch a wave of new groups and connect large numbers of unconnected people at a time.

While North Point’s GroupLink strategy and Saddleback’s Small Group Connection strategies both are excellent at launching new groups and connecting unconnected people, they fall well short of the potential of a well conceived, well planned and well executed church-wide campaign.

Here’s my answer:

The best way to connect the largest number of unconnected people is a well conceived, well planned and well executed church-wide campaign.

There are a few important points in that statement:

First, a well conceived church-wide campaign is very different than one grabbed off the shelf without much forethought or analysis. A well conceived campaign is thoughtfully chosen. It is selected for its topic and chosen with a type of person in mind. Careful consideration is given to who the church would like to connect or what specific next step they would like participants to take.

Second, a well planned campaign is designed to do more than connect unconnected people and launch new groups. In a well planned campaign, attention is paid to important details in advance. Details like, what will need to do to help the largest number of new groups continue to meet after the campaign is over and when does the campaign need to begin in order to maximize participation?

Third, a well executed campaign is an exercise in precision. Everything is scripted in advance and nothing is last-minute or ad lib. Careful attention is paid to timing and focus. Timelines are developed and religiously adhered to. Every detail is scrutinized in advance and evaluated afterward.

Does a church-wide campaign fit your needs this fall?

If you’ve realized that a church-wide campaign would finally help your church connect unconnected people and launch new groups, but you also know you’ll need help pulling it off, take a look at Launching a Church-Wide Campaign This Fall? This article contains a number of free resources and also information on two resources designed to help your church develop a well conceived, well planned and well executed church-wide campaign.

Further Reading:

Launching a Church-Wide Campaign This Fall?

Ranking the Most Powerful Strategies for Launching New Groups

What Percentage of Your Adults Are Actually Connected?



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