Friday’s List | April 28

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fridays-listEvery Friday I post a short list of the things I’m reading, listening to, loving and wrestling with:

Here’s what I’m reading right now:

20 Life And Leadership Lessons I Learned From Reggie Joiner by Carey Nieuwhof. Very good read on one of ministry’s best thinkers.

7 Things Every Leader Should Banish Starting Today by Carey Nieuwhof. Two articles in the same week? Absolutely. So good!

10 Easy Steps to Split Your Church by Tony Morgan. This one will bring pause on several of his thoughts. Very good insights.

Why It’s Easy (And Wrong) To Think Growing Churches Simply Won The Lottery by Carey Nieuwhof. Oh. My, Goodness. Three in one week? Yep. Also a great read debunking a natural conclusion.

How to Make Yourself ‘Unoffendable’ and Teachable (Yet Still Maintain Your Confidence) by John Brandon. This one is great as a test of self-awareness. Read it if you dare (HT Tim Stevens).

Community 101: Reclaiming the Local Church as Community of Oneness byGilbert Bilezikian (Author), John Ortberg (Introduction). Re-reading this one. Very helpful to understand community.

Here’s what I’m listening to:

Adam Grant—Championing Creative Ideas on the EntreLeadership podcast. Author of Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World. This a great conversation.

Justin Dean On The Future Church In The Online World on the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast. Justin Dean was the communications director for Mars Hill.

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. I read the hardback years ago. Thought a refresher would be helpful and I was right!

Quotes I’m still wrestling with:

“Argue like you’re right and listen like you’re wrong.” Adam Grant, Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World

App I’m using:

I’m committed this year to increasing my effectiveness. Nozbe is a leading productivity app. First heard about it from Michael Hyatt. It’s already making a big difference.

My own post I hope you’re reading:

Reasons Your New Groups Are Short-Lived (i.e., die before their time) Unless you’re sustaining 70% of the new groups you launch AND growing BOTH your number of groups and the percentage of adults connected…you need to read this post.