Friday’s List | July 7
Every Friday I post a short list of the things I’m reading, listening to, loving and wrestling with:
Here’s what I’m reading right now:
The Agile Church: 5 Ways to Lead Through Change by Tony Morgan. Short and sweet, this will give you some important things to chew on.
The Surprisingly Little Known Secret to Reaching More People With Your Message by Phil Cooke. Great insights!
The Secret I’ve Learned About Hiring by William Vanderbloemen. Very good insights from the founder of a very successful ministry head hunter.
HOW TO READ YOUR CUSTOMERS’ MINDS by Michael Hyatt. This article has a link to a FREE training webinar by Ryan Levesque. Very interesting.
Gospel Fluency: Speaking the Truths of Jesus into the Everyday Stuff of Life by Jeff Vanderstelt. I really like the angle of this one.
Here’s what I’m listening to:
Become A More Emotionally Intelligent, Self-Aware Leader by Terry Linhart on the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast. Great followup to last week’s podcast!
The Nuts & Bolts of Sermon-Based Curriculum for Small Groups with Dave Enns on the Group Talk Podcast.
The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future Audible Audiobook – Unabridged by Kevin Kelly. Very interesting. One of the books I’m recommending on my 2017 Summer Reading List.
Quotes I’m wrestling with:
“Most great things you have done in your life began with a shift in your thinking.” Andy Stanley
App I’m using:
I’m committed this year to increasing my effectiveness. Nozbe is a leading productivity app. First heard about it from Michael Hyatt. It’s already making a big difference.
My own post I hope you’re reading:
What Does Your Percentage Connected Say about Your Ministry Design?
As Thomas Jefferson pointed out in the Declaration of Independence, some truths are self-evident. “That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Another truth that I hold to be self-evident is that, “Your ministry is perfectly designed to produce the results you are currently experiencing.” Andy Stanley pointed us to that truth in 7 Practices of Effective Ministry.