Friday’s List | June 30

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fridays-listEvery Friday I post a short list of the things I’m reading, listening to, loving and wrestling with:

Here’s what I’m reading right now:

40 Years From Now, The U.S. Could Look Like Las Vegas by Jed Kolko on FiveThirtyEight. You may not live in Las Vegas, but this is a fascinating look at diversity (age, race and ethnicity) in America and how it will change over the next 40 years.

How Facebook Used Science And Empathy To Reach Two Billion Users by Harry McCracken on Fast Company. Fascinating and a great example of building cross-functional teams with specific agendas.

Unpopular Leadership by Dan Reiland. These 10 points are very thought-provoking. And a little challenging.

5 Elements For Great Volunteer Conversations by Dan Reiland. Two posts in one week! This is a great reminder of some conversations that ought to more common.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW by Mac Lake. This is a great look at leadership development. Watch out. It actually starts near the end and you’ll need to “rewind” it back to the beginning.

5 REASONS YOU’RE STILL PROCRASTINATING by Michael Hyatt. Very good read and extremely insightful.

8 Leadership Books You Can Use by Amy Jackson of This is a good list. Take the time to look it over and make sure you know about these books.

The Culture Engine: A Framework for Driving Results, Inspiring Your Employees, and Transforming Your Workplace by S. Chris Edmonds. Part of my learning path this year.

Here’s what I’m listening to:

Seth Godin—Change Your Mind, Change Your Life on the EntreLeadership Podcast. I love listening to Seth Godin. Very influential. Extremely smart.

Rodney Cox On How To Create Greater Self-Awareness In Leaders And Teams To Help Your Organization Move Forward Together on the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast. Good stuff. If you’re a leader of a staff team, this is very helpful.

The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future Audible Audiobook – Unabridged by Kevin Kelly. Very interesting. One of the books I’m recommending on my 2017 Summer Reading List.

Quotes I’m wrestling with:

“Most great things you have done in your life began with a shift in your thinking.” Andy Stanley

App I’m using:

I’m committed this year to increasing my effectiveness. Nozbe is a leading productivity app. First heard about it from Michael Hyatt. It’s already making a big difference.

My own post I hope you’re reading:

Top 10 Reasons Church-Wide Campaigns Miss the Mark

While there is no question that a church-wide campaign is the most powerful strategy for launching a wave of new groups, there is quite a difference between the results of a well conceived, well planned and well executed campaign and anything less…

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