Friday’s List | November 18

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fridays-listFriday’s List: November 18

I’ve been meaning to do this for quite awhile. I’m asked for recommendations all the time. I’ll be posting a short list every Friday.

Here are the things I’m reading, listening to, loving and wrestling with:

Here’s what I’m reading right now:

7 Ways a Pastor Should Think Like an Entrepreneur by Brandon Cox. Very good stuff.

Church Attendance Decline? There’s a problem with your product by Tony Morgan. Spot on and right on target.

10 Easy Ways to Blow Your Influence in Leadership without Even Trying by Carey Nieuwhof. Another really important post.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Chris McChesney. This is a great book! You can read my review right here.

Here’s what I’m listening to:

This American Life: Very annoying and one of the best produced podcasts going. Makes me frustrated but can’t stop listening.


Quote I’m wrestling with:

“How do you make sure that what you know doesn’t limit what you can imagine?” Bill Taylor, Simply Brilliant

My own post I hope you’re reading:

5 November Actions that Impact January/February:  Now’s the time! What you do now will make the new year better.