Friday’s List | September 1
Every Friday I post a short list of the things I’m reading, listening to, loving and wrestling with:
Here’s what I’m reading right now:
ONE SIMPLE TRICK TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN PEOPLE by Michael Hyatt. This is a great roadmap. I’m putting several of these to work next week.
5 Good Reasons A Church Should Close by Carey Nieuwhof. This is a good evaluation article. True?
6 Practices Toward a Healthy and Productive Organization by Dan Reiland. I am a huge fan of #6.
Ed Stetzer on 3 Actions Pastors Must Take to Grow Groups on This is a short segment where Stetzer reveals some very good insights.
Culture (Re)Design Isn’t Easy. Just Ask Uber by Jeff Boss on Good add to the culture reading list.
Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss by Kim Scott. I’ve reread this one three times. It’s that good. HT @TerryStorch.
The Magnificent Story: Uncovering the Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth by James Bryan Smith. Read slowly. Savor.
Here’s what I’m listening to:
Making Work That Lasts (with Ryan Holiday) on the Accidental Creative podcast. This is good stuff. Listened to it two times.
The 10 Commandments of Startup Success with Reid Hoffman on the Tim Ferriss podcast. This one finds its content from Reid Hoffman’s Masters of Scale podcast. A great summary and very applicable to what we do.
Jon Gordon—Leading With Positivity on the EntreLeadership podcast. Loved this conversation! Need to check out this book.
LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman: Laughable Ideas Are Sometimes the Best Ideas This is a really great podcast episode. I came away with several powerful insights.
You Will Always Struggle Until You Change This with Dale Partridge. I learned about Dale Partridge this week (HT @ToddClark). This is a good introduction to the business that Dale’s work.
Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You. I reviewed the DVD and Study Guide in 2014. Loved that part of the project and this one is very good too.
Quotes I’m wrestling with:
“The best business ideas often appear laughable at first glance. The lesson for entrepreneurs goes deeper than the pat advice “you shouldn’t take no for an answer.” You should expect to take no for an answer. If you’re laughed out of the room, it may actually be a good sign.” Reid Hoffman
App I’m using:
I’m learning to consistently leverage Evernote as my go-to place to store ideas, quotes, and content. I’ve had this app for several years and always mean to use it more.
My own post I hope you’re reading:
Visualize, Prioritize, Optimize and Supersize (Your Small Group Ministry)
You know how they say what got you here won’t get you there? How sometimes what worked before definitely isn’t working anymore? Or isn’t working the way it needs to for continued growth and momentum?
With over 25 years experience in small group ministry I’ve learned that breaking through certain barriers requires taking a critical look at your system, reimagining and retooling.
I’ve actually found that a simple 4 step process helps me keep my ministry moving in the right direction.