GroupLife Southwest ’17 is 6 Weeks Away! (Don’t miss THIS price)

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GroupLife Southwest ’17 is 6 Weeks Away!

Just Added: Mike Foster!

You may be getting tired of hearing about it. If you are…please forgive me. I just can’t let this learning opportunity and experience slip past without doing everything in my power to encourage you, persuade you, and even twist your arm a little bit to join us here in Las Vegas for GroupLife Southwest ’17.

Persuasion Alert: Take advantage of a discount code for an even better price.

What’s an EVEN BETTER price? How about $124.95? If you think that’s a good price, you can register today by entering the code: 6WEEKS (I’m only offering this price until midnight on Monday, February 27th).

Why should you come? What’s so important and so compelling about this small group ministry conference?

Reasons you should come to this conference:

Reason #1: The speaker line-up is the best at any small group ministry conference this year.

I can say that, because I’ve seen the other lineups.

Here is the lineup for GroupLife Southwest ’17:

  • Mike Foster from People of the Second Chance. Mike is a speaker, author and founder of People of the Second Chance. His latest resource, Rescue Academy, has tremendous potential to be used in leader and coach training.  He’s also published two of the most creative video-driven studies (Freeway and Wonderlife) along with his newest book, People of the Second Chance.
  • Bill Willits from North Point. Bill has been at North Point since their beginning and has been the point person for the small group ministry that has connected over 72,000! His insights alone will be worth the price of the conference.
  • Tim Cooper from North Point. You may not know Tim, but I can tell you his breakout at re:group 2016, Community for Everyone, was truly inspiring and incredibly challenging. I personally came away from his breakouts with a number of game-changing insights.
  • Chris Surratt from LifeWay. You probably recognize Chris’s name, but you may not remember his role as the Small Group Pastor for Cross Point Church (and prior to that Seacoast Community Church) and the author of Small Groups for the Rest of Us (packed with the great insights that only come from a seasoned practitioner accustomed to figuring out how to connect the people you aren’t already connecting and actually make disciples).
  • Mindy Caliguire from SoulCare. Mindy Caliguire is the founder of Soul Care, a spiritual formation ministry that exists to increase “soul health” in the body of Christ.
  • Dave Enns from North Coast. Again, you may not recognize Dave’s name, but you probably recognize North Coast Church. Well known for their sticky church small group strategy and philosophy, they have consistently connected over 80% of their weekend adult worship attendance in small groups. And they’ve been doing it for years while they’ve become one of the largest churches in the country.
  • Hugh Halter from Forge America. Hugh is not a household name…unless you want to connect unchurched friends, neighbors, co-workers and family. I’ve heard him a number of times at conferences like Exponential. His latest book Happy Hour is packed with insights. When I was assembling the lineup, he was the first person I contacted. If you want to be effective in the 21st century, you need to be paying attention to Hugh.
  • Todd Engstrom from Austin Stone. Several years ago The Austin Stone Community Church began a transition from an ordinary, business-as-usual small group ministry (that primarily existed for insiders) to a missional community strategy, intent on becoming a force that would impact Austin. Their journey is a great story and their transition is full of lessons learned.
  • Me. In addition to hosting the conference, I’m planning to present two breakouts that I think you’ll find very helpful. In addition, I’m cooking up a special breakout for Monday night that will be a live demonstration of how a small group connection works.

Reason #2: The conference format gives you the best opportunity to learn and rub shoulders with your peers from around the country.

Sure, you can listen to podcasts, read books and blogs, and participate in a local huddle…all without leaving the comforts and confines of your office or conference room. But in order to truly benefit from the upside of cross-pollination, you need to spend time with a cross section of leaders and thinkers from other disciplines, from other models and systems.

Reason #3: Registration is such a great value! Compare with any other conference this year.

Seriously…GroupLife Southwest ’17 is priced so you can bring your team! (And by the way, many churches are bringing their team). This is a tremendous advantage when it comes to taking in the content of over 20 breakouts!

I don’t want YOU to miss this conference! And I want you to bring your team!

That’s why I’m offering a really good sale on registration.

What’s a REALLY good sale? How about $124.95? If you think that’s a good price, you can register today by entering the code: 6WEEKS (I’m only offering this price until midnight on Monday, February 20th).

Reason #4: Travel to Las Vegas is cheap (or at least affordable) from almost everywhere!

Sure, if you’re coming from Jakarta (I know you’re out there Alvi Radjagukguk) you may not have it in your budget this year. But almost everywhere else…flights and hotels are very reasonable. Want to stay on The Strip (where you can come early or stay over and catch a show and enjoy a great dinner at Emeril’s Fish House or Bobby Flay’s Mesa Grill or Giada’s or Mario Batali’s, etc.) you can always find a deal.

Would you rather stay out near the conference (we’re holding GroupLife Southwest ’17 at Canyon Ridge, about 25 minutes north of The Strip and McCarran International Airport)? You can find a list of nearby hotels right here.

Reason #5: Las Vegas weather in March is legendary.

Seriously, unless you live in San Diego, our weather in March is probably better.

Still not convinced GroupLife Southwest ’17 is for you?

Here’s a link to the conference website for more information.

Don’t miss out on this conference (and especially at this price)! $124.95? If you think that’s a good price, you can register today by entering the code: 6WEEKS (I’m only offering this price until midnight on Monday, February 20th).