“Growing Up” Is a Must Add Discipleship Resource
I’ve been working my way through a new book from Robby Gallaty this week. You may not recognize the name, but you will definitely recognize the name of Robby’s mentor. David Platt, senior pastor of The Church at Brookhills and author of Radical and Follow Me writes the forward and invited Gallaty, a new follower of Jesus, into a disciple-making relationship in 2003.
Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples is just what it claims to be. A how-to manual that lays out a pathway and then escorts you along the pathway to being a disciple who makes disciples. You may not agree with all of Robby’s conclusions or practices, but you can’t really argue with the effectiveness of the concept. To grow from “a handful of people meeting in intentional D groups” in 2008 to the expectation of “more than 1000 people meeting in D groups” in 2014 is no small feat and a testament to both the conviction of the leader and the replication effectiveness of the system.
Gallaty, the senior pastor of Brainerd Baptist Church is committed to making disciples who make disciples. Growing Up is really the template or the roadmap that makes it happen.
The organization of Growing Up works for me. The first three chapters make the case for the necessity and importance of making disciples. Chapter four provides a roadmap for personal godliness. And the remaining chapters provide a detailed look at the six disciplines core to the D group plan. The six disciplines in Gallaty’s plan are:
- COMMUNICATE: Knocking on Heaven’s Door
- LEARN: Mining for Gold
- OBEY: Follow the Leader
- STORE: An Eternal Investment Strategy
- EVANGELIZE: Show and Tell
- RENEW: H.E.A.R.ing from God
There are several aspects that really help make Growing Up a great resource. I love the layout of the chapters on the six disciplines. Personal stories make every concept easy to understand. An excellent set of self-diagnostic questions are easy to see using on a regular basis. Every chapter also includes practical exercises that make the practice very transferable.
If you’re in the business of making disciples who make disciples, Growing Up is a book that needs to be on your radar. You need to read David Platt’s warning from the foreword though. “Please don’t read this book. Instead, do it.” I have to agree with Platt. This is that kind of book.
Just started reading Growing Up and am intrigued. Gallaty states that the purpose of a D-group is different from that of a small groups, whose purpose is for growth and fellowship, with an underlying purpose of evangelism. Our church holds up small groups as the best environment for discipleship, while recognizing that the multiplication piece is not always happening. I am curious if and/or how you will incorporate this discipleship intentionality into your church’s existing small groups. Or do you see the D-groups as a separate entity in your ministry? Much to ponder.
Thanks for jumping in here Kathy! You’re on the same page with me. There is much to learn in Growing Up, but I’d much rather design my group strategy to make mature followers of Jesus.