Here’s What’s on My Ministry “To Do” List for 2018

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Here’s What’s on My Ministry “To Do” List for 2018

Every year about this time I begin assembling my “to do” list for the next year. This year is no different. But…this may be the most ambitious list I’ve made in quite a while!

Here’s what’s on my list for 2018:

Help build a leadership pipeline and pathway for Canyon Ridge.

Help build a leadership pipeline and pathway for Canyon Ridge. This will include developing a proposal, assembling a team, and beginning to systematically create and put in place the pieces.

While this is not a small group ministry thing, its development will make the development of group leaders more business-as-usual and less dependent on out of the ordinary things coming together.

Assist in the overhaul and redesign of our engagement funnel.

Assist in the overhaul and redesign of our engagement funnel.* This will include an exhaustive analysis of our first step out of the auditorium and the next steps currently part of our pathway.

Again, while this is not exclusively a small group ministry thing, the work will lead to connecting more unconnected people and making better disciples.

*The engagement funnel is something I learned to develop as part of my StratOp training with Intentional Churches. Email Me to learn more about how I can help you with this.

See also, How to Design Next Steps and First Steps

Reengage the prioritization of apprenticing within our Groups ministry.

Reengage the prioritization of apprenticing within our Groups ministry. The apprenticing strategy (both with leaders and coaches) is an essential element in the development of a leadership pipeline and pathway at Canyon Ridge,

While we believe there are other more effective ways to identify, recruit and develop the number of new leaders needed to connect the number of unconnected people in our congregation and crowd, church-wide apprenticing will greatly enhance our ministry and campus multiplication vision.

See also, True or False: Leaders with Apprentices Leads to More Groups

Work with the Groups Team to reimagine and energize the leadership culture within our Groups Ministry.

Work with the Groups Team to reimagine and energize the leadership culture within our Groups Ministry. What can be built quickly is rarely sufficient to meet the needs in later phases of development.

As you probably remember, when faced with the decision between connecting as many unconnected people as possible or building a coaching and leader development program, I always err on the side of connecting as many unconnected as possible.

Still, now is the time and 2018 is the year to put in place the elements that will enable us to scale more effectively and sustain an even higher percentage of the new groups we launch.

See also, What’s Your Urgency Level for Connecting Unconnected People?

Assist in the development of a church-wide discipleship pathway.

Assist in the development of a church-wide discipleship pathway. Not a separate program, this will become a normal experience and set of steps for new groups that form and existing groups already in our groups system. The first step is the development of a multi-week experience that will expose  group members to a set of core convictions and vision.

The development of a standardized beginning for groups and group members will assist in ensuring the inclusion of a new set of ordinary at Canyon Ridge (as opposed to extraordinary).

See also, Would You Rather: Connect More People or Make More Disciples?

Image by Camilla Oliveira