Hey there, Friend, I could use your help today

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First, good morning!  Or good afternoon or goodnight…depending on where in the world you are reading this email!

I could use your help today! I’m testing a couple ideas and need some feedback. Also, don’t miss a GREAT price on GroupLife Southwest ’17 registrations below!

First, I wanted to let you know I’ll be testing Facebook Live this week. I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but Facebook Live’s technology allows you to easily broadcast livestream video right from your phone or computer.

I’m planning on testing Facebook Live on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. (PST). I’m going to spend a few minutes teaching on Maximizing a Church-Wide Campaign (This Fall) and then opening it up for Q&A (the way Facebook Live works makes it easy for you to ask questions).

To participate you’ll need to do 2 things:

Be sure and Like and Follow my new Facebook Page. Here’s a link to the page. Also, in the screen shot below, you can see where the Like and Follow buttons are on a Facebook page.

The other thing you might want to do is be thinking about a question you’d want to ask!

Second, I’m testing a new blog format this week. I like it…but it has a bug or two I’m working on today.

Could you play around a little with it and see what you think? I could use some feedback.

Just added Mike Foster to GroupLife Southwest ’17!

That’s right! We’ve just added Mike Foster, author, speaker and founder of The People of the Second Chance to the program at GroupLife Southwest ’17! His work has been very well received over the last several years (Freeway, Wonderlife, his new book People of the Second Chance).

Also, we rolled back prices to $124.95, but it’s only good til midnight Tuesday, February 21st (you’ll need to register with the code: 6WEEKS to get the price).

Hope you don’t miss a great price on the best small group ministry conference this year.



  1. John Finkelde on February 21, 2017 at 1:33 am

    Hey Mark. I love your material and recommend you regularly to pastors I consult with.

    Your me blog format looks fine on my tablet. Only one little problem. The Sumo me social media shares buttons tend to crowd into the post and become slightly annoying.

    I used to use sumo me but switched to social warfare plugin as I find it works better in that regard.

    Hope that makes sense.

    And thanks again for your material. It’s superb.

  2. Mark Howell on February 21, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    Thanks John! Appreciate the feedback!