How Keen Is Your Cross-Cultural Awareness?
If you've been following the conversation here for very long you know that I believe all signs point to a rapidly shifting culture, quickly moving to a post-Christian America.
Hopefully, that is not breaking news for you.
Clearly, there have already been massive shifts in culture with more to come.
And that leads me to today's question: How keen is your cross-cultural awareness?
Put another way, how keenly aware are you of the difference between your preferences, understandings and assumptions and those of the unconnected people in your crowd and community (and I would argue, even those of the outer edge of your congregation)?
How keenly aware are you of the difference between your preferences, understandings and assumptions and those of the unconnected people in your crowd and community? Share on X
I'm not sure how to measure cross-cultural awareness, but I do know our ability to connect unconnected people absolutely depends on it. If cross-cultural awareness is measured on a continuum, we must be on the keen end if we have any hope of successfully connecting unconnected people and making disciples.
Indications you have a keen awareness
- You don't assume biblical literacy
- You don't assume everyone believes the Church provides something essential
- You don't assume a Christian worldview
- You don't assume the terminology of the Church is familiar
- You don't assume commitment
- You recognize cross-cultural affinities (cause, family, freedom, etc.)
Indications you have a dull awareness
- You regularly reference biblical stories or principles, assuming prior knowledge
- You talk about the Church as if everyone assumes it provides something essential
- You have trouble anticipating the differences in a secular worldview
- You assume everyone gets the lingo
- You assume what you're offering will inspire commitment
- You don't understand why only the core and committed sign up for what you're offering.
Key Takeaway
If you want to connect the unconnected people in your crowd and community, developing a keen awareness of their preferences, understandings, and assumptions is essential.
If you want to connect the unconnected people in your crowd and community, developing a keen awareness of their preferences, understandings, and assumptions is essential. Share on X
What do you think? Have a question? Want to argue? You can click here to jump into the conversation.
Further Reading:
- 5 Things You Need to Know about 21st Century Small Group Ministry
- 5 Essential Practices of a 21st Century Small Group System
- 5 New Assumptions as I Step Further into the 21st Century
Image by Scott Beale