How’s Your Small Group Model Working in Today’s Shifting Culture?

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shifting cultureHow's your small group model working in light of today's shifting culture?

Thought about that question?

What's your reaction to the question?

I know there will be different opinions about this, but I believe we must pay attention to the culture (And by the way, paying attention is a lot different than paying homage to the culture). This is why I recently posted The Future of Small Group Ministry and Are You Preparing for the Future of Small Group Ministry?

Like the the men of Issachar “who understood the times and knew what Israel should do (1 Chronicles 12:32 NIV),” we need to understand the times and determine what to do. Clearly there are major shifts under way in the culture (views on marriage, truth, morality, biblical illiteracy, etc.).

The question today is how's your small group model working in light of today's shifting culture?

Maybe an earlier question might be, "How might the shifting culture affect the effectiveness of the small group ministry model we use?"

Do you have a reaction to that question? If you do, please leave a comment!

5 ways the shifting culture might affect the effectiveness of your model:

1. Depending on how you choose new small group leaders, it may become increasingly unlikely that new leaders will come factory equipped with biblical knowledge. Biblical knowledge may have to be an after-market install.

Depending on how you choose new small group leaders, it may become increasingly unlikely that new leaders will come factory equipped with biblical knowledge. #cultureshift Share on X

2. How you describe the kinds of groups you offer may need to be revisited. Questions like, "Who can join a couples group?" and "How will we offer community to everyone?" will need to be answered.

How you describe the kinds of groups you offer may need to be revisited. #cultureshift Share on X

3. How you train small group leaders will need to be evaluated. Training leaders to facilitate dynamic discussions is very different than equipping them to care for group members with a different worldview.

4. The primary entry point may need to be evaluated. Once you have connected the most likely to connect (which has already happened in many instances) you may need to find new ways to connect beyond the usual suspects.

5. As average attenders attend weekend services less frequently, it becomes increasingly more important that deeper connection happens elsewhere (and not just on Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m.).

As average attenders attend weekend services less frequently, it becomes increasingly more important that deeper connection happens elsewhere (and not just on Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m.). #cultureshift Share on X

What do you think?  Have a question?  Want to argue?  You can click here to jump into the conversation.

Further Reading:

Image by Kat