5 Habits I’d Look for If I Was Hiring a Small Group Pastor
I've been asked many times for a small group pastor job description, typically by senior pastors and executive pastors trying to identify the skills and duties of the person they need to hire. And that is certainly one way to look at the situation. If I was a senior pastor though, I'd look at it from another angle. I'd try to figure out the habits and patterns that make for the ideal candidate.
Here are the 5 habits I'd be looking for:
1. A long-term pattern of doing life in authentic community.
Remember, we can only expect the members of our groups to experience what their leaders have already experienced. Doesn't it follow that it's crazy to expect members to experience things that aren't modeled by the small group pastor? When you find the right candidate they'll have stories about previous groups, deep friendships in every port, and a desperate need for connection.
When you find the right candidate they'll have stories about previous groups, deep friendships in every port, and a desperate need for connection. #habitsofasmallgrouppastor Share on X
See also, 3 Prerequisite Convictions for Senior Pastors Who Experience Authentic Community.
2. A habit of identifying, recruiting and developing high capacity leaders of leaders.
Don't miss this one! Building a thriving small group ministry absolutely depends on the implementation and cultivation of a reasonable "span of care" and it's ludicrous to expect to build a significant ministry without high capacity leaders of leaders. The right candidate will naturally be on the lookout for game-changers and fearlessly look for opportunities to ask them to join the life-change movement.
The right candidate will naturally be on the lookout for game-changers and fearlessly look for opportunities to ask them to join the life-change movement. #habitsofasmallgrouppastor Share on X
See also, 5 Assumptions that Set Small Group Coaching Up to #FAIL.
3. A pattern of making heroes of others.
A clear indication of the right candidate is someone who regularly brags on the amazing stories of small group leaders who go above and beyond what is expected. A collector of stories, a great story-teller, quick to speak with pride about the life-changing accomplishments of others is an essential attribute.
A collector of stories, a great story-teller, quick to speak with pride about the life-changing accomplishments of others is an essential attribute. #habitsofasmallgrouppastor Share on X
See also, Top 5 Keys to Starting New Groups. Lots of Groups.
4. A habit of focusing on the end in mind and commitment to stay the course.
A thriving small group ministry, a true church of groups, is built over the long haul. It is the result of persistent determination and steadfast resolve.
Therefore, a thriving small group ministry will only be built by someone with persistent determination, steadfast resolve, and endurance to go the distance.
A thriving small group ministry will only be built by someone with persistent determination, steadfast resolve, and endurance to go the distance. #habitsofasmallgrouppastor Share on X
See also, Wash, Rinse, Repeat and the Long Run and 10 Powerful Benefits of Building a Thriving Small Group Ministry.
5. A pattern of working well in the background, giving the senior pastor confidence in promoting grouplife.
This is an absolute essential. The best candidates are nearly anonymous...except to group leaders, coaches and community leaders. They don't look for the spotlight. Instead, they work with determination behind the scenes, clearing and preparing the path, laying a strong foundation, and adding the leadership superstructure that will support a thriving small group ministry.
They don't look for the spotlight. Instead, they work with determination behind the scenes, clearing and preparing the path, laying a strong foundation, and adding the leadership superstructure that will support a thriving small group… Share on X
See also, Your Senior Pastor as Small Group Champion Leads to a Church OF Groups.
The bottom line?
The role of a small group pastor is not about being a figurehead or the face of small group ministry. It's not primarily about being an administrator or an organizer. And the role of a small group pastor is definitely not about being a personal trainer for small group leaders.
What is it about? The role of a small group pastor is about commitment to building an army of ordinary men and women committed to life-on-life ministry; and that is the commitment that transforms whole communities one life at a time.
The role of a small group pastor is about commitment to building an army of ordinary men and women committed to life-on-life ministry; and that is the commitment that transforms whole communities one life at a time.… Share on X
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Image by Mustafa Khayat