If You Want to Get There You Must Change Paths
One of my most frequent conversations with consulting or coaching clients goes like this:
Them: "We'd like to try a scaled back version of the small group connection strategy."
Me: "Tell me what you mean by scaled back?"
Them: "We can't devote three weekends to promoting just the connection. Actually, the weekend prior is all we can do. And our senior pastor won't use part of his sermon to talk about it. We need to just make an announcement. And as much as we'd love to use the connection to help us identify new leaders, we're really nervous about who might get chosen. So we were really thinking it would be more of a group fair."
Me: "Anything else?"
Them: "Well...the only time we can get the best room for it is Sunday at 2:30 p.m. But other than those little tweaks we love the idea."
The truth is often that the path they are on does not go where they'd like to go. To get where they want to go, they actually must move to a different path.
If you want to get to there, you must move to a different path. Wishful thinking won't help. Trying really hard won't get it done. Doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results is not only the definition of insanity. Importantly, doing the same thing leads to the same destination. If you want to arrive at a new destination, you must change paths.
If you want to arrive at a new destination, you must change paths. Share on X
Image by Nicholas Raymond