Introducing: Heather Zempel and

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One of the grouplife thought leaders I read regularly is Wineskins for DiscipleshipNational Community Church in Washington D.C., a multisite church known for reaching the 20-something crowd in the nation’s capitol.

You might recognize her name.  Her book Sacred Roads, a study exploring the historic paths of discipleship, was released by Threads in 2009 and I reviewed it right here.

One of the coolest things about Heather’s ministry is that her background as an environmental engineer often comes into play in her writing and speaking.  You might have caught one of her talks at Willow’s GroupLife in 2008.  Always an engaging experience, at Willow she talked about one of their core values that “everything is an experiment.”

Although her blog is a combination of what’s happening at NCC and in her own life…you can catch some very good stuff if you bookmark it and check in on a regular basis.  Right now you can follow along as she releases a series of coaching videos that are a great example of how to resource your leaders.

I hope you’ll check out Wineskins for Discipleship.  You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.  When you get there, tell her I sent you!

You can see the rest of my GroupLife Introductions series right here. And you can learn more about how to keep up with the GroupLife scene right here.