Join Me at Radicalis? (2/22 – 2/25)
I’m looking forward to some great interaction at Radicalis in just a little over a month! Hope you’re planning to check it out.
In case you aren’t aware, Radicalis is a great conference. 4 days with a super wide variety of speakers (this year the list includes Matt Carter, Steven Furtick, Dave Gibbons, Pete Wilson, Shawn Lovejoy, and Serio De La Mora). You can see their bios right here.
They’re actually billing it as 14 Conferences in 1 (so you can bring your whole staff). You can see the list of all they’re offering right here. Looking this list over, I’m going to have a hard time choosing where to be at any one time.
I do know this though, I always run into the coolest people and have the best time connecting during the breaks. Hope to see you there!
By the way…their best pricing ends on January 31st.