Join Me for a Behind-the-Scenes Look at an Online Small Group Connection

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These are some interesting times...aren't they?

Some things that have worked forever...might never work again.

Some things that have been best practices just won't work right now.

Some things that were just crazy talk 30 days ago have to be considered right now.

Know what I mean?

Although we have a lot of people in groups, as well as a lot of people connecting with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers... thing we are sure of is that there are a LOT of unconnected people at Canyon Ridge whose only connection to God's people is the weekend service. Where up until now, they were connected in rows.

And with our services online right now, they're even less connected!

So we're running an experiment next week.

We're inviting people who are looking for a way to connect to join us for an online connecting event.

Think "life group connection" online.

Can't wait to see how many people we can help get connected to an online group!

Want to see how we're going to do it?

Join me for a behind the scenes look at how the event will work and how you can do the same thing!

Wednesday, March 25th, at 11:00 a.m. PDT

You can sign up for a behind the scenes look right here.

Hope you can make it!
