Join Me for the Alan Danielson Conference Call

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Looking for game changing insight that will help you right now with your small group ministry?  Listen in to my interview with Alan Danielson at 11:00 a.m. ET (10:00 a.m. CT, 8:00 a.m. PT).

How to join the call:

Telephone: 1-616-918-8000

Pin: 1034206#

Today’s call features a discussion about three hot topics:

  • Pick and stick. Quit changing models every time you read a book or go to a conference.
  • Break the box…but don’t throw it out. Don’t stop innovating while you stick to your model.
  • Measure Maturity.  Counting groups and participants only tell us so much.

Who’s Alan?

You can get the full 411 right here.  The short story is that Alan has great hands-on experience in churches that are really getting it done in small group land (notably LifeChurch.TV where he was the Central Team Leader for Life Groups and gave leadership to over 1,000 groups on 13 campuses in 6 states).  He is a consultant and speaker and a great friend.

How to join the call:

Telephone: 1-616-918-8000

Pin: 1034206#

Can’t make the call today?  Be sure and sign up to get my update.  All of my interviews are recorded and added to an archive that you can listen to later.

Small Group Fraternity

The Small Group Fraternity is a group of small group pastors and directors from around the country.  About 18 times a year we meet up on a conference call and interview leading small group ministry writers, innovators and practitioners.  Although you’d recognize many of their names (Joe Myers, Carl George and Bill Donahue) we also find cutting edge small group ministries that are trying new things and not yet on the radar.