Love at Last Sight: A Home Run Church-Wide Campaign

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Looking for a church-wide campaign that will grab the attention of your whole congregation?  What about a campaign that will actually capture the imagination of your community?

As we’ve talked about many times, the topic of your campaign determines the potential participant.  Choose the right topic…you can get really broad participation.  Choose the wrong topic, even one that you believe is an essential ingredient, and you’ll get only limited buy-in.  In fact, choose the wrong topic and you’ll be tempted to mandate participation.  And that is not the dream of a church-wide campaign, a church-wide spiritual growth emphasis.

If you’re looking for a topic that will appeal broadly, I’m not sure you’ll find a better match than the idea of relationships and that’s why I’ve eagerly anticipated the release of Love at Last Sight.  Developed by Kerry and Chris Shook, this campaign is a spot on match for what will appeal not only to your congregation…but also to your community.  If you’re looking for a topic that will engage your members and their neighbors and friends, you need to take a look at Love at Last Sight.

Along with the topic, there is a lot to like about this church-wide campaign. The DVD is very engaging and will hold the attention of your groups.   High production values, interesting location shots, and Kerry Shook’s conversational style of teaching help the DVD drive a great conversation.  Each session also includes a personal testimony that will captivate the attention of your group members.  It’s been my experience that the most memorable element of a well-designed DVD session is often the stories of someone’s journey.  There are some good ones here and they’ll be remembered long after the teaching is over.

The interactive guide (used by group members) is simply designed to help keep the conversation focused on the topic.    Well written questions prompt a thoughtful, soul-searching discussion.  At the same time, the importance of the topic will encourage your members (and even their friends) to engage.  Additionally, the exercises in the personal application section will help group members put into practice what they’re learning.  Way more than hearing about the importance of developing lasting relationships, this curriculum is designed to prompt doable next steps.

Along with the DVD and interactive guide, daily readings from Love at Last Sight by Kerry and Chris Shook provide an ongoing, 30 day experience.  I reviewed the book when it was released in August of 2010.  You can read my review right here.  Topping it off, there are even free iPhone and Android Apps!

Love at Last Sight is an all church, church-wide campaign.  That is, a downloadable curriculum for children and students from the Church-Wide Challenge site.  Establishing one conversation is a key to an effective campaign.  When parents and their children are focused on the same topic reinforces emerging family values.

You’ll also find sermon outlines and message transcripts, Challenge Group Host and Leader tips, a Last Sight Challenge Timeline, and many other resources in the Free Resources section of the website.  You’ll even find a suggested song list, saving your worship team hours of time and energy finding music to fit the weekly themes.  Developed by one of the most creative churches in America, this resource from Woodlands Church provides an important insight into worship service design.

Finally, the church-wide challenge kit is packed with resources and includes a 2′ by 7′ banner, posters, invitations, bulletin inserts, bookmarks, and even the little challenge wristbands!  All designed to help build a memorable campaign.  The Resource and Seasonal Art DVD includes everything from PowerPoint slides, bulletin artwork, website banners, and a lot more.

From the team that developed and produced One Month to Live, this is another home run.  If you’re looking for a church-wide campaign that will easily get broad participation…beyond your congregation and into the community…you need to take a look at Love at Last Sight.