Maximize the Fall with a Church-Wide Campaign
Have you finalized plans for the fall ministry season yet? It’s definitely time to zero in on where things are going! Much like the way NASA has a scientifically defined window of opportunity for Space Shuttle launches (or landings), there are many factors that determine the success of a church-wide campaign and many of them have to do with timing. Here are seven of the most important:
- Early selection of the campaign topic to allow adequate preparation (ideally 3 to 6 months).
- Choosing a strategic topic that engages the core and the crowd.
- Building a coaching foundation that will sustain new hosts/leaders.
- Preparation strategies that build a crowd-to-core flow in advance.
- Timing the campaign for maximum results.
- Promoting well and early enough to maximize participation.
- Sequencing the entire fall calendar to maximize follow-through.
Have you checked each of these items off your prep list? Launch: An 8 Session Training Program is designed to help you maximize your church-wide campaign. The early bird pricing lasts until this Friday, June 12th. Click here to find out more.