My Spring Sale Ends Tomorrow!

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My Spring Sale ends TOMORROW! Click here to take advantage of the best price all year!

Maybe you’re tired of hearing this. Maybe you’ve just been ignoring my offer. And maybe, you’ve already decided GroupLife Insider is not for you.

Regardless of what you might think at first glance, I hope you’ll do me the honor of indulging me for a moment and consider taking a look at GroupLife Insider.

Yes, in a way GroupLife Insider (GLI) is a little bit of an experiment. It’s a little bit like a teenager. A little awkward, but you can really see the potential (while watching them trip or turn to quickly and faceplant into the wall).

Still, GLI is a great value all of the time and an even better value when you can save 30%!!!

After all, what is it worth to have an all-access pass to my full (and growing) library of small group ministry mini-courses? Let me tell you, that alone is worth more than you’ll pay for a one-year subscription (Most of my mini-courses are 4 to 6 sessions and cost $50 to $75 each).

How about regular access to join me for Office Hours (3 times a month) where your individual questions are answered? (I charge $125 for a 60 minute coaching call).

How about briefings on important small group ministry topics? My last briefing was on leader training ideas and delivery systems. My next briefing is on 10 important steps to take when preparing for a church-wide campaign. You can join the briefing live or watch at your convenience.

How about discounts on coaching and consulting? An annual membership to GLI would pay for itself many times over.

Last but not least, with GLI you’ll receive a discounted registration for GroupLife Southwest ’18 (my annual small group ministry conference). This year’s faculty includes Bill Donahue, Bill Willits, Tim Cooper, Mindy Caliguire, Dave Enns, Chris Surratt and Ben Reed.

I know you have choices when it comes to spending your budget dollars. I hope you’ll see GLI for the value that it is and take advantage of my best price all year! Click here to find out more about GroupLife Insider.