Need Help With Your Small Group System? Download Alan Danielson

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Alan Danielson was our guest on the Small Group Fraternity call this week.  Great stuff!  He talked about three keys to building a small group ministry:

  • Pick and stick. Quit changing models every time you read a book or go to a conference.
  • Break the box…but don’t throw it out. While you stick to your model you don’t stop innovating.
  • Measure Maturity. Groups and participants only tell us so much.

There’s a lot here in this call.  Hope you take the time to listen in.

Click HERE to listen

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  1. Eddie Mosley on November 14, 2009 at 5:44 am

    Mark, glad to hear Alan sharing experience and ideas. The “Pick-n-stick” idea has probably been the number 1 reason our SG ministry/organization has grown. For the last three years we have continued to tweak the foundational practices, but never ‘changed’ them. All divisions are able to contribute to SG ministry because they know and have experienced these practices.

  2. Mark Howell on November 14, 2009 at 6:18 am

    Glad you enjoyed the call! And glad to hear your ministry has grown. Choosing a model, recognizing that all of them have “problems,” then sticking with the model while innovating within it are some of the keys to growth.
