New from Kerry and Chris Shook: Love at Last Sight

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One of the easiest invitations in the last several years was to be part of a group that would discuss Kerry and Chris Shook’s One Month to Live.  Based on the simple question, “what would you do differently if you knew you only had one month to live,” churches everywhere jumped on board to do that study as a church-wide campaign.

Their new book, Love at Last Sight: 30 Days to Grow and Deepen Your Closest Relationships will be one of the biggest stories in church-wide campaigns over the next couple years. A 30 day experience, it is based on an idea that will surely get the attention of everyone who hears about it. After all, who isn’t interested in learning how to deepen their most significant relationships?

The basic premise for Love at Last Sight is that everything we’ve been taught about relationships is wrong.  The notion that “it was love at first sight” is really a myth, fanned into flame by Hollywood.  True love, the enduring kind…what the Shooks call love at last sight, isn’t magical at all, but instead is a journey of intentionality.

To become a person who learns to grow and deepen your closest relationships you must develop  “four forgotten but powerful relational arts” for changing, improving and repairing the relationships you care about the most:

  • The Art of Being All There
  • The Art of Acting Intentionally
  • The Art of Risking Awkwardness
  • The Art of Letting Go

Very much like One Month to Live (or The Purpose Driven Life), the book is developed with a short daily reading.  At 221 pages, it’s not an overly challenging read.  Pitched just about right for most people, the challenge will be in acting on the very practical questions/exercises at the end of each chapter.  The genius here is that this is a topic that should appeal across the board and the simple next steps will produce relational movement.  It’s easy to see that there are going to be a lot of great stories in the aftermath of this study.

Keep in mind that the book is not written as a Bible study.  It really is a 30 day experience that is based on biblical principles (and the book is full of references to Jesus’ encounters with people as well as other stories from the Bible).  The point really is to develop the ability to love at last sight; growing and deepening your closest relationships.

Whether you check into the church-wide campaign or just make this study available for individual small groups in your church…I really think you’re going to like this one.  It’s going to be a really easy invite that will lead to some great conversations and lasting results and I highly recommend it.

Ready to find out more about the church-wide campaign?  You can learn more right here.

Want to hear Kerry and Chris talk about it?