New from Rick Warren and Saddleback: 40 Days of Prayer
Finally got a look at 40 Days of Prayer, the newest church-wide campaign from Rick Warren and Saddleback Church. I've been really looking forward to this one and I should tell you, I got more excited and enthused about this campaign's potential as I worked my way through the contents.
Has there ever been a time when longtime church members and their neighbors would be more open to learning how to pray?
DVD-driven, 40 Days of Prayer is a 6 session study that accompanies a 6 week message series. The national launch of the campaign was October 1st, 2017 (If you're reading my review when I posted it, 40 Days of Prayer is running right now and you can still catch all of the messages online). Like all of Saddleback’s campaigns, this one is the complete package and is a true church-wide campaign with material for the whole family.
DVD-driven, 40 Days of Prayer is anchored by 6 video sessions featuring the teaching of Rick Warren.
The DVD segments are classic Rick Warren. He gives all six talks seated at a small table on a beautiful beachside patio in southern California. The talks average 25-35 minutes long. I’d say for almost anyone else, they’d be a little long, but for Rick Warren, they’re right on target. Still have to say…he is the master of this style of communication. (And I need to add, it may be just me, but the videos are beautiful, with the Pacific Ocean in the background)
The 40 Days of Prayer study guide is designed to be an all-in-one keepsake for group members and includes a number of important features:
- Weekend Sermon Notes: A place to capture the teaching from the weekend sermon.
- Daily prayer journal: contains directions for daily devotions including scripture verses and prayer journal prompts.
- Video Lesson Notes: Every session is DVD-driven. Use the Video Lesson Notes to capture fill-ins and insights.
- Discovery Questions: Choose from a well-written set of discussion questions for deeper understanding of the teaching.
- Key Verse: Every session has a key scripture verse for memorization.
- Putting It Into Practice: Every session has application steps that put learning into practice.
The study guide also includes an answer key for all sessions, extended prayer journal space, and a robust appendix with help for hosts and leader resources.
The campaign starter kit includes many tools to help you customize the campaign specifically for your church. Includes 40DOP logos, powerpoint templates, and web banners.
Beginning in November, 2017, there will be a free downloadable 40 Days of Prayer sermon series taught by Pastor Rick Warren.
The 40 Days of Prayer campaign is fully loaded! And I'm not sure I've ever seen a more perfectly timed campaign. Has there ever been a time when longtime church members and their neighbors would be more open to learning how to pray? I found myself thinking about when I’ll be using it and what it will mean to our congregation (even into the crowd and community with the right strategy), and I am really looking forward to this one! I’m thinking it’s right on target!